Northeast Tennessee

Pick Your Poison

Northeast Tennessee Erwin Iron Valley (Love Chapel)

Time 0530




Side Straddle Hops 25 in cadence

Little Baby Arm Circles 15 each way in cadence

Don Quixotes 15 in cadence


Willie Mays Hays 15 in cadence

Peter Parkers 15 in cadence


Monkey Humpers 15 in cadence

Imperial Walkers 15 in cadence

Motivator from 7

The Thang

Pax took turns drawing slips of paper from a box, each one having a different exercise written on it. There were 16 possible exercises, but for some reason the same 6 or 7 kept coming up. The one who drew the slip would then run to a predetermined point and back. While he was on his journey, the rest of the pax would do as many reps as they could (paying attention to quality/form over quantity) of the chosen exercise. Pax completed thirteen rounds of this, which included an abundance of Hand-release Merkins, Freddie Mercurys, Burpees, Little Baby Crunches, High Knees, Shoulder Pretzels, and Big Boy Sit-ups. Not much mumblechatter was heard, but a lot of grunting reverberated through the morning skies.



Closing Prayer


The Erwin crew continues to set personal records, with today’s turnout of 16 constituting a high for this site. No FNG’s this time, but a lot of consistent Pax who are putting in good work and encouraging one another along the way.


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