Northeast Tennessee

Hidden 100 Burpee Workout – Saturday 12-8-2018

Northeast Tennessee Kingsport Wilderness Road (Dobyns-Bennett)

35 Degrees and no wind, great day to be alive!  100 burpees are more fun if you trick friends into doing them with you!  Two showed for a fast paced ruck at 6:00 AM.
SSH x 10, Burpees x 10, LBAC x 10, Burpees x 10, TTT x 10, Burpees x 10, Abe Vigoda x 10, Burpees x 10

Everyone one grabbed a sand bag or a ruck and moseyed to the track.

Burpee Mile

Carry ruck or bag 1/4 mile around track at rapid walking pace then do 15 Burpees. Rinse and repeat 3 more times.  Viola!  100 burpees done in first 30 minutes!!  And over a mile of ruck/load bearing exercise.

Hop Core Workout – Box Jump up a dozen long steps up to track followed by 50 Heels to Heaven, repeat 3 more times with 50 crunches, 50 BBSU and 50 Cockroaches.

Bear Crawl down steps and back up one time.

Carry coupons back up to parking lot as time winds down.
No Mary today.
PRAYER Pray for those not with us.
YHC shared that he was reading a chapter from the Book of Luke each day till Christmas Eve.  The issues Jesus faced in the 5, 6, & 7 where religious leaders of the day were constantly trying to trip him up and condemn him for his healing and miracles on the Sabbath are not much different than the political squabbling we see today in the news.  If we would ask ourselves WWJD we wouldn’t be trying to use scripture or laws to try and make our competition look bad.
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