Northeast Tennessee

Episode 146: Episode 146

Northeast Tennessee Arrowhead (Indian Trail) Johnson City

It is Saturday morning.  This morning it is Saturday. And when it’s the morning time on Saturdays it’s F3 time. So that mean its time for F3.

hillbilly walkers

imperial walkers


sticky butt kickers (made easier today due to the high amount of humidity)


seal claps

mtn man poopers

Pax started at first light pole.  Thankfully since that’s where we met to warm up no one had to transition very far to get into position to begin.  Pax were instructed on a set of exercises per light pole and then run to the last light pole and back and pick up their own coupon and carry it to the next pole. R&R until one gets to the last one then complete 10 underdogs and then work back to start in the reverse manor they came.  Light pole 1: 15 lawnmowers per arm. Light pole 2: 15 OHP. Light pole 3: 15 curls. Light pole 4: 15 merkins.  When pax gets back to the start complete 5 pull-ups.

Next pax mosey to mid part of hill by the school.  3 rounds of 20 kettle bell swings at midpoint and run to the top for 5 Mike Tyson’s.  Carry coupon back down the hill back to the first light pole.

Next was everyone’s favorite.  25 H2H per light pole. Once at the last light pole 25 lbc’s back to the first one.

No time as several used much of that possible time and energy complaining a bit of having to do 100 H2H.
“What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.  At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.  Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
Zima is on the Q Tuesday, so that should be fun…i guess.

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