Northeast Tennessee

Episode 1sixty3: ABSolutely fABulous

Northeast Tennessee Arrowhead (Indian Trail) Johnson City

On this 4th of January and the coldest day of the year thus far, YHC was wondering how many pax would show.  Much to my delight three more, most of whom were on time, arrived so I wouldn’t have to do this on my own.

inch to etch

imperial walkers

abe vigoda

sticky butt kickers

hillbilly walkers


seal claps
The following Thang had two elements that were the same; 5 merkins and 10 squats that were repeated each time. The difference was the ab exercise, so I will only mention the different ab portion.  Begin at playground for what i could only tell were called dragon tails (hold on to a bar or something to stabilize the torso and lift ones legs up and slowly lower) x15. Run to swings 20 spoon crunches per side. Run to mid point of hill for 20 V-ups. Run to top of hill 30 LBC’s.  Run to stop sign 30 MTN climbers. Run down to old parking lot for 20 thrusters. Run to dug out for 20 dying cockroaches. Proceed to the corner past pain cave for 20 hollow hold flutter kicks.  Run to #6 20 H2H.

At this point we still had some time so we Omaha’d to continue the inner circle around the school stopping at all light posts repeating the 5/10 merkin to squat ratio and other various super-duper hard ab exercises. However since I did not have them written down on a weinke I only remember with a high level of confidence; American hammers, reverse crunches, elbow plank, regular plank and we finished with 5 burpees.  If you really wanted to know with more specificity what we did so you could possibly incorporate that into a Q someday then I guess you oughta have been here today.

Nope, no time. We mortal kombated the burpees at the cars and didn’t even do count o Rama at the flag location. We voted to stay at the cars.
My father used to say that not playing to win is like sleeping with your sister. Sure she’s a great piece of tail, with a blouse full of goodies, but…it’s just illegal.  Then you get into the whole inbred thing. Kids with no teeth who do nothing but play the banjo…eat apple sauce through a straw…pork farm animals.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

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