It was a rainy cool morning in the upper 30s as YHC celebrated a 7-year F3 anniversary. One thing learned over the last seven years, was that my rear end and my sandbag do not like getting wet. Therefore, we took cover under the sidewalk cover near the dock. Good thing our new AOQ planted the flag near the cover, so those who showed up late knew where to go.
- As it was on this, the Tuesday after the Superbowl, seven years ago – Motivator from 11
- Inch-A-Stretch with a heavier focus on calf stretching
- Imperial walkers IC x7
- Through the tunnel IC x7
- Sticky butt kickers IC x10
- Little baby arm circles IC x7 fwd/rev
- Seal claps IC x7
A bit snug, but we fit under the sidewalk shelter. Coupons were at the bottom. Exercises were grouped in twos. Pax did 7 reps of each exercise. In general, we bear crawled up to the second exercise near the door, and lunged back to the end of the sidewalk. Since the rain let up a bit, we moseyed to the pullups and underdogs, keeping our coupons under the shelter.
- Burpees to Merkins
- Block Squats to Squats
- Pullups to Carolina Dry Docks
- V-Ups to Heels to Heaven
- Curls to Underdogs
We rinsed and repeated the rounds about 2.5 times
Trying to create the “last reps” and still keep the theme of 7.
- Hold an isometric half merkin plank until exhaustion then pop off 7 merkins.
- Hold an isometric wall sit until exhaustion then pop off 7 block squats.
Sometimes a successful EH requires persistence and addressing the concerns of others. Seven years ago, the EH came from Launchpad, Deep Dish, Beaker, Pedialyte, Honeysuckle, Rite Aid
Slow down life and be disciplined
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