Northeast Tennessee

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Northeast Tennessee Arrowhead (Indian Trail) Johnson City

It was cool morning in the upper 40s as 12 Pax set forth unto Arrowhead to put in some work. Some still hobbling from Tuesday’s calf burner. Good numbers for a Thursday. Maybe the weather is finally changing.



  • First things first, a downward dog calf stretch
  • Sup dawg
  • Etch-a-Stretch
  • Imperial walkers IC x10
  • Mountain man poopers IC x10
  • Sticky butt kicker IC x10
  • LBACs IC x10 fwd/rev
  • Seal claps IC x10

Scout run the long way to softball home plate.

One of the skills that YHC picked up at F3 over the years as a non-professional is the ability to look at common items in the community and think, I could do exercises on that.

I present, the curb.

Pax cycled through 5 exercises, followed by a lap around the shaft and tip of the islands.  Rinse and repeat starting with 5 reps each, then 10, 15, 20, then back down to 15, etc. Let’s kick it to the curb.

  • Mike Tysons
  • One-legged downstairs heel tap, each leg (one foot on the curb, and lowering the other heel to touch the street)
  • Uneven merkins with one arm on the curb, each side
  • One-legged box jumps, each leg
  • Rocky Balboas, 4-ct

Mosey back to the flag and place your six on the edge of the curb

  • Flutter kicks IC x10
  • Freddie Mercuries IC x10
  • LBCs IC x10
  • flip over: Superman holds, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 sec

Great to see so many people out today.  Sign up for Q spots so we can keep the workouts fresh

Immortal Station convergence is 3/8

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