It was cool morning in the upper 40s as 12 Pax set forth unto Arrowhead to put in some work. Some still hobbling from Tuesday’s calf burner. Good numbers for a Thursday. Maybe the weather is finally changing.
- First things first, a downward dog calf stretch
- Sup dawg
- Etch-a-Stretch
- Imperial walkers IC x10
- Mountain man poopers IC x10
- Sticky butt kicker IC x10
- LBACs IC x10 fwd/rev
- Seal claps IC x10
Scout run the long way to softball home plate.
One of the skills that YHC picked up at F3 over the years as a non-professional is the ability to look at common items in the community and think, I could do exercises on that.
I present, the curb.
Pax cycled through 5 exercises, followed by a lap around the shaft and tip of the islands. Rinse and repeat starting with 5 reps each, then 10, 15, 20, then back down to 15, etc. Let’s kick it to the curb.
- Mike Tysons
- One-legged downstairs heel tap, each leg (one foot on the curb, and lowering the other heel to touch the street)
- Uneven merkins with one arm on the curb, each side
- One-legged box jumps, each leg
- Rocky Balboas, 4-ct
Mosey back to the flag and place your six on the edge of the curb
- Flutter kicks IC x10
- Freddie Mercuries IC x10
- LBCs IC x10
- flip over: Superman holds, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 sec
Great to see so many people out today. Sign up for Q spots so we can keep the workouts fresh
Immortal Station convergence is 3/8
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