Northeast Tennessee

Dumpster fire to a TRAP!

Northeast Tennessee Iron Horse (Founders Park)

Near perfect spring weather and a dumpster fire greeted 9 at the mighty Iron Horse.   Apparently, an urban outdoorsman was trying to keep warm and it got out-of-hand.  Not sure that is true, but a good guess.  At any rate, we got to see a shiny fire truck doing its thing.

Since the fire was ongoing we moved the warmup to a good viewing location and did some stuff.

The distraction did not last long as the Q noted that today is MAY THE 4TH.  Star wars day.

Admiral Ackbar - It's a Trap Meme Generator - Imgflip

We celebrated with the second annual It’s A Trap.  A trap is:

Twerkins – 10 Dive bomber /Merkins

Racoon Crawl – the wall along the creek

American Hammer 20

Prisoner Squats 20

After that take a lap and R&R.

Only room for a few flutter kicks


Don’t forget about the outdoor festival in Erwin this weekend.  Volunteer to help if you can, or at least stop by.

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