Northeast Tennessee

Q 150 and still not a Professional

Northeast Tennessee Arrowhead (Indian Trail) Johnson City

The number 150 is super famous for many, many things. It very well may be the most famous and well known number.  It’s so famous 149 feels completely inadequate and 151 just feels pompous and arrogant. I mean Dunbar and Harshad even claim it as their own number.  That said it’ll never be more famous nor mean as much to anyone than the 13 that were at Arrrowhead this morning.


willy mays hays (done the proper way for you PBS)

imperial walkers

sticky butt kickers

mtn man pooper


seal claps
Today was very simple, the pax were instructed they were going to superset 2 exercises each round for a total of 150 reps per round. It did not matter how they broke up the reps as long as they did 75 of each per round. Exercises were done in the parking lot by the playground and 3rd light pole.   Rd 1: KBS/mountain humper (new name, many may know this as a thruster, but there was a discussion and since I don’t like conflict i yielded).  Rd 2: merkins/squats. Rd 3: curls/H2H.  All finished three, some got to the 4th round, but I’ll keep it as an IYKYK.

Lastly we all finished with a gasser.  Fun was had by all.

Nope. Nada. No time nor energy.
You take the good ,you take the bad, you take them both and there you have the facts of life. The facts of life.  There’s a time you gotta go and show you’re growin now you know about the facts of life.  The facts of life.
Pay towards the tree, and be looking for a ruck event info near the end of the year.

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