8 HIM gathered on this beautiful 50 degree early Feb morning and all are better for it. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER – Check COP 20 SSH 10 TTT 10 LBAC forward, 10 Seal Claps, 10 Chinooks, 10 LBAC reverse 10 Low Slow Squats 10 Imperial walkers THE THANG While at
Author: Culture Club
Let’s Play UNO
7 HIM made the decision to set the alarm, layer up, and put in some work. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER – Check COP Motivators from 6 TTT (10) WMH (10 count) 10 each – LBAC (F/B), Seal Claps, Chinooks, Moroccan Night Clubs THE THANG Not your traditional game of UNO.
White Elephant Swap – F3 Style
7 Pax came out to receive their presents, swap them with others, and get their sweat on. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER – Check COP Motivator from 6 10 – TTT 10 – Imperial Walkers 10 – LBAC (forward/Backwards), Moroccan night clubs, Seal Jacks, Chinooks THE THANG YHC prepared 15 gifts
A White 12 Days of Christmas
7 HIM looked outside and saw snow, checked the temp and saw it was mid 20’s and then said “Lets Do This”. Candyland Christmas was a sight with the snow and the 150 lit Christmas trees. Hard to imagine a better AO for scenery and all around good men. DISCLAIMER
Wheel Of Fortune – F3 Style
7 HIM gathered on this beautiful morning to spin the wheel and put their bodies and minds to work. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER – Check COP Motivator from 7 TTT LBAC THE THANG It was time to bring the wheel out for a game of Wheel of Fortune. Two teams
With 2 days of rain and a 100% forecasted this AM, a decision was made to take cover under the pavilion for some rounds of Tabata. 5 HIM showed up to put in the work and none seemed to complain about the nice dry and lighted venue. DISCLAIMER – Check
Ladder of Pain
10 HIM posted on this beautiful Tuesday morning for a ladder of pain. Great to see many of the regulars, Apple Butter and Straddle out there, as well as Vila becoming a fixture, and a special visit from Gutterball. Great job by all. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER – Check COP
Tabata and laps
With the expectation of heavy rain and the roof of the pavilion on my mind, a Tabata was planned out. Even with no rain, I decided to roll with it anyway and add in some laps. 4 HIM showed up and are better for it. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER –
Champions Beat Down
5 HIM came out to see what the morning will bring. YHC was out of country last week and felt that a proper celebration was needed for the Vols Baseball National Championship. Even though both teams scored 15 runs each total in those 3 games, TN won 2 out of
4 Corners of Pain
8 HIM came out on a beautiful Tuesday morning to get better. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER- Check COP Motivator from 6 WMH’s Merkins Downward dog/Honeymooner (Repeat) LBAC’s (F/R) Seal claps, Raise the Roof, Shoulder pretzels, Chanooks THE THANG Classis 4 corners around the pavilion with some tunes playing in the