9 PAX agreed that a 45 degree crisp morning was perfect to go running. So we did. Of course they didn’t know about the run until they got there. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 20 IC Shoulder Medley rapid fire LBAC IC x5 forward LBAC IC x5 reverse Shoulder Pretzels
Author: Gutterball
Block … AMRAP … Run
12 PAX got together on a chilly 20 degree morning. We didn’t stay cold for long… DISCLAIMER COP Motivator from 7 Through the Tunnel IC x 10 Willie Mays Hays IC x 5 Scout Run – 2 lines, 1 lap THE THANG Two cones were set approximately 80 yards apart.
Tire Flippin’ Relay
It was a pleasant day, overcast approaching 50 degrees. 16 PAX joined the fun for Gutterball’s first Anni-Q DISCLAIMER Gutterball got a compliment on his disclaimer. COP Motivator from 11 Through the tunnel x10 IC WMH x10 each side Sumo stretch x10 count THE THANG We stayed on the track
Cold Weather 11s
It was cold, 24 degrees, with a slight bite in the wind. 11 PAX figured the best way to keep warm would be to get out and put in some work. Musical inspiration was brought to you today by the bands: Guns N Roses, Queen, Chicago, Led Zeppelin, The Cranberries,
A 39-Themed BDQ
Pleasant morning for 7 pax who were willing and available to get up and get better, or at least maintain. While music is becoming the new norm at Arrowhead, the QIC decided to play the top billboard hits the week he was born. Then he realized those songs
All About That Bass, No Treble
It was a cool 38 degrees, but clear skies. 15 PAX including one FNG got up to get better. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Extra long warm-up on a cool morning Chinooks IC x 5, Shoulder Pretzels IC x5, LBAC x5 IC forward, LBAC x5 IC reverse Merkins x13 TTT IC x10,
Dora’s Hip Flexor
It was a cloudy but mild day where 10 PAX braved the threat of moseying. But we stayed on the track for the most part and the nice mosey shoes would have come in handy. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 8 Through the tunnel x10IC WMH 10 count each side
Zig-Zagging Across a Soggy Field
It was a mild day, a bit of fog, but otherwise clear skies. 12 PAX showed up even with the hinting of tire flipping the night before. There was dew on the grass – lots of it. But at least it was cut, so we had that going for us.
Just the Two of Us
Pleasant morning about 70 degrees. 4 PAX total, 2 for a ruck and 2 traditional DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TCLAPS to Baby for coming for an encore at Arrowhead after Ironhorse, thus keeping Gutterball company. Donatello and Jobs were rucking before, during, and after the designated hour (maybe they’re still rucking
Arrowhead Tour 2.0
5 PAX came on a cloudy but pleasant 70 degree morning. The sixth Q of this week. It’s probably good that nobody in attendance did all six workouts this week. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 15 IC (We did not do the Cheerleader b/c QIC didn’t practice it ahead of