The pax that were at the workout today were present. No one that was absent was able to participate in the workout. You just had to be there. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh imperial walkers ttt sticky butt kickers mtn man pooper etch a stretch Lbac seal claps THE THANG YHC
Author: Jester
Lucky, Dusty, and Ned
Three brave pax put their hazardous condition driving skillz to the test and arrived at arrowhead; why?? That’s right class because arrowhead never closes. And most of us were on time. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh etch a stretch abe vigoda ttt sticky butt kickers imperial walkers lbac seal claps THE
Episode 166: My first one since my last one
Ahh, a cool wet February Saturday. What better conditions to entice 4 pax to an AO DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH (which is the only exercise one can begin a warm up with) imperial walkers inch a stretch sticky butt kickers Mtn man poopers ttt lbac seal claps THE THANG Nothing
Episode 165: and why did we bring these coupons
8 pax followed the coupon request as prescribed as they arrived on a perfectly lovely January morning at Arrowhead DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP ssh imperial walkers inch a stretch sticky butt kickers mtn man poopers ttt lbac seal claps THE THANG Axpay ereway instructeday otay ickpay upay eirthay ouponcay anday arrycay
Episode 164: The one before Episode 165
5 pax arrived properly layered up for a low teens slightly chilly morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh inch to etch imperial walkers sticky butt kickers ttt lbac seal claps THE THANG For those that would have been looking for the perfect 12 degree morning to post at an AO, boy
Episode 1sixty3: ABSolutely fABulous
On this 4th of January and the coldest day of the year thus far, YHC was wondering how many pax would show. Much to my delight three more, most of whom were on time, arrived so I wouldn’t have to do this on my own. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH inch
Episode 162: 12/31/2024 CY#28
NYE 2024 greetings and salutations. YHC here for the 162nd time overall and 28th of the year. So yes, anyone under the age of 40 needs to know the “#” actually, in the past, was used to represent a number of something and not for some meaningless social media hashtag.
episode 161: first post Christmas feeling fat workout.
3 available dudes decided to start the day off right. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH inchworm into etch imperial walkers ttt sticky icky butt kickers mtn man poopers lbac seal claps THE THANG Simple and no fluff rinse and repeat. 10 pull-ups, 20 merkins, 30 squats then run to end of
who knew benefits of F3 come with a parking spot with one’s name on it
Sometimes in life men are destined for greatness. Other times it’s thrust upon them. The original Q for today had no idea they were signed up (allegedly) and at nearly the 11th hour they asked for help. Interestingly another pax had multiple q’s to their name as well. It’s a
1 quickly turned to 4…………..then to a 5th
5 pax showed up on a chilly December morning DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda inch worm to etch a stretch imperial walkers Mtn man poopers sticky butt kickers lbac seal claps THE THANG Pax were instructed to mosey all the way from the warm up spot to the number