it was a humid morning for 19 pax to awake early and put in work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Little baby arm circles forward and reverse x10 each IC SSH x20 IC imperial walkers x10 IC merkins x10 IC willy mays hays THE THANG Time for a little double Dora action.
Author: Jester
Oh crap, not the no mercy mile
8 brave and manly pax made the tough decision to not fartsack and post for a mildly humid, 60° boot camp that didn’t begin till 0715 (please be sure to note the implied sarcasm). One of them even knew what was about to be bestowed upon them, and he posted
The house always wins
13 pax braved the unseasonably cool 34° morning for a game of blackjack DISCLAIMER PRAYER (in honor of our nantan we went counter to convention) COP kinetic warmup. mosey to turn 1: SSHx15 IC, Willy May’s hays x10 IC MOSEY TO TURN 2: imperial walker x15 IC, windmill x10 IC
2 exercises, 5 cones rinse & repeat
Insert optional info about the weather, number of pax, etc. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH 15 IC WMH 10 IC LBAC’s forward and reverse 10 IC MERKINS 10 IC IW 10 IC THE THANG Pax mosey to the playground where they found 5 cones laid out across the parking lot. Because
One needs consent to merkin over a worm
4 pax descend upon Arrowhead on a cool 42° and slightly damp morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Another kinetic warmup. Mosey to turn 1. 15 SSH IC. 5 merkins IC: mosey to turn 2 10 Willy May’s hays IC. 5 merkins IC. Mosey to mid track 10 merkins IC. (This is
No 6’s today
A perfect 34° morning for 16 pax to post for a second F focused intentional workout. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP mosey to turn 1: 15 SSH IC, 5 merkins IC mosey to turn 2: 10 Willy May’s hays IC, 5 merkins IC mosey to mid point 10merkins IC mosey to turn
a mumble chatter free block party
Knowing they were going to put in work 20 pax bounded in to the AO on a comfy 27° clear morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSHx 20 ic windmill x10 ic merkins x10 ic imperial walkers x15 ic slow squat x10 ic slow merkin x10 ic (t-claps to Donatello for informing
No mercy for the Iron Horse Pax
16 pax posted at Iron Horse on a chilly breezy 22° morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x15 IC willy mays hays x10 IC hill billy walkers x10 IC windmill x10 IC slow merkins x10 IC THE THANG YHC decided several weeks ago that the pax at IH needed to experience
Even the playground chips were frozen
11 frosty pax braved 14° temps for a Geppetto vQ/coQwith Jester. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP butt Slap slaughter starter motivator from 6 15 merkins oyo even with 14° temps no need to warm up anymore…mosey to playground with block coupons THE THANG Geppetto instructed the pax there were three stations (playground,
None shall pass
15 Pax graced arrowhead on a chilly morning with a 22 degree Lunar halo aka winter halo encirling the moon…quite lovely. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x15 IC little baby arm circles F & R x10 IC Hillbilly Walkers x15 IC Merkins x10 IC Willy Mays Hays x10 IC THE THANG