6 pax plus an abandoned lonely Tacoma were present at the AO for todays Abs and Arms only workout. The plan was to pretty much only use our legs to get us to the next place to have the opportunity to put in some work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH (the
Author: Jester
Episode 152: YHC didn’t go cute, stuck to the classics
Regardless of the fact YHC had been on the Q a while, I had nothing. No inspiration to drive the perspiration of the congregation. So I stuck with a couple of ole tried and true exercises. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Possibly an aerial Bobber spotting ssh ttt mtn man pooper sticky
a little deck’ll do ya
Our illustrious and double-booked AOQ asked for volunteers to take his Q today, and so YHC was the quickest to raise his hand. Since I hadn’t time to really think about what to do i relied on the ole tried and true deck o’cards to inspire the workout. Which was
Q 150 and still not a Professional
The number 150 is super famous for many, many things. It very well may be the most famous and well known number. It’s so famous 149 feels completely inadequate and 151 just feels pompous and arrogant. I mean Dunbar and Harshad even claim it as their own number. That said
Todays workout
9 of the best dudes available in NETN…and Jake made their way to Arrowhead this morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSh abe vigoda mtn man pooper imperial walkers hillbilly walker willy mays hays lbac seal claps THE THANG Today was very simple; 4 rounds and 4 corners and R&R until time
Episode 148: I told you it was gonna be leg day
10 pax showed up and I feel all would agree if we could count the humidity as part of the workout we would. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe Vigoda imperial walkers mtn man pooper sticky butt kicker lbac seal claps THE THANG YHC promised, nay foretold the pax today would
Episode 147: Pivot
12 of us were there. The rest of you weren’t DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh imperial walkers abe vigoda ttt sticky butt kickers mtn man poopers Lbac’s seal claps THE THANG After the pax finished the warm up 11 of the heartiest dudes in all of NETN ( and Zippo) picked
Episode 146: Episode 146
It is Saturday morning. This morning it is Saturday. And when it’s the morning time on Saturdays it’s F3 time. So that mean its time for F3. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh hillbilly walkers imperial walkers ttt sticky butt kickers (made easier today due to the high amount of humidity) lbac
Episode 145: I’m not sure you know what an acronym is
On a clear and slightly humid morning 4 pax came to arrowhead to post for a workout. What YHC would soon realize was that the thickness of the humidity was no match for how thick Woz laid on the sarcasm… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh ttt sticky butt kickers mtn man
Episode 144: Tuesday, June 4th
I’m really at a loss on how to begin this post, so I’ll just use some words that make sense to follow the previous words in order to fill up a little bit of space here. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh imperial walkers ttt mtn man pooper sticky butt kickers lbac