10 pax arrived on could not have been a more perfect morning. I even think our recent Florida transplant is acclimating to the fabulous fall weather here. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh imperial walkers hillbilly walkers abe vigoda sticky butt kickers lbac merkins THE THANG Since late the previous evening YHC
Author: Jester
No Mercy Mile made a comeback…well half of one did
8 pax came to do some work…some may or may not have broken out the thermal tights a wee bit early… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh imperial walker sticky butt kickers abe vigoda ttt THE THANG YHC realized that he hasn’t dusted off the ole No Mercy Mile Q in quite
Jobs is a good assistant but asks too many questions
5 pax arrived on a perfect early fall morning. While doing warmups decided and declared it’s best to go thru one’s own tunnel. Plus during coffeteria we had a bonus pax. Great to see the great Penn-Segal. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator-6 ttt sticky butt kickers abe vigoda lbac merkins THE
Finally a rainy Saturday
6 Pax including 1 FNG arrived despite or perhaps because of the rain. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh inch worm sticky butt kickers ttt imperial walkers lbac merkins THE THANG After YHC proved just how much I’m not a professional during the warmup because I realized that I couldn’t remember what
8 pax went round the outside, round the outside
8 pax arrived, having followed instructions, with blocks in hand. Yeah, that basically sums that up. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh abe vigoda imperial walkers sbk’s ttt lbac merkins THE THANG after warming up and reminding the pax that YHC is not a professional, especially after having less than 4 hrs
9 pax participated in physical phitness things
9 doods including 1 FNG gathered, sweated and got rained on today. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh imperial walkers ttt abe vigoda sbk lbac merkins THE THANG YHC wanted to keep it simple and go back to the basics. No music. No theme. No pretense. Pax mosey to bottom of misty
This is a backblast
This is the backblast from activities done at Arrowhead this 13th day of August in the year of our Lord 2022. These are written to document who was here and what we did and are ideally completed within 24hrs by the Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh imperial walkers inchworm ttt
Pax did reps to music
Evidently when pax engage in both an embarrassing yet well executed amount of lyric and song title comments 7 pax show up. Furthermore, since the greatest thrash metal band of all time was the inspiration (if I have to name it, stop reading now) good music and a (hopefully) proper
This Q has no title
With the proper expectations set of ‘bring a coupon and we’ll figure it out’ it seems as if the appropriate amount of pax showed up. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh inchworm imperial walkers sticky butt kickers ttt lbac merkins THE THANG Pax carried their coupons to base of the hill in
7 Pax paid Charlotte:IYKYK
At approximately the correct starting time 7 pax arrived and learned quickly that YHC is not a professional. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh imperial walker abe vigoda ttt sticky butt kicker inch worm lbac THE THANG Directly after being called out during warmups for my alleged poorly timed counting in cadence