Northeast Tennessee

Calendar / Lead A Workout

This page includes a calendar of all F3 Northeast Tennessee events. TO ADD YOUR NAME TO A Q, you must have an F3NETN USER ACCOUNT ACCOUNT and be LOGGED IN. Once you’re logged in, click on the title of an unclaimed workout and select “Edit This Date.” (DO NOT SELECT EDIT ALL.) Change the default name of the event to include your F3 Name (Ex: Change “Iron Horse” to “Penn-Seagal”) and press “Save Event.” That’s it. You are on the Q! If there’s an event that isn’t listed here, or if you are a first time user and you need an account created, let us know. Once again: DO NOT SELECT EDIT ALL or you will edit every occurrence of the event for the next five years, which is hard to undo. Thanks!

May 20, 2024