Northeast Tennessee

Episode 114- The One Where Socialism Tries to Make a Comeback at F3, But Everyone Quits When They Realize They All Get the Same Participation Trophy 🏆

In a brave attempt to bring socialist principles to the F3 workout, yours truly, orchestrated a session that ended in a humorously dystopian fitness disaster. Spoiler: It was as successful as a Soviet tractor factory. 🚜 Disclaimer: Before embarking on our communal suffering, we were reminded that today’s workout was

It was HOT in here.

12 brave men descended on this morning to endure pain and suffering.  All volunteered of course. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Lengthier warmup that included random rep numbers. THE THANG 1A:  AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) 5 Pull-ups 5 Thrusters with block 5 block facing burpees (burpee, then jump over block)