Disclaimer / Prayer John Bunyan’s class book titled The Pilgrim’s Progress was first published on this day 347 years ago. It is the second most published book of all time only behind the Bible. It is an allegory of the Christian life and tells of the story of a man
Category: Iron Horse (Founders Park)
What’s in the Cards?
Pax woke to 60% chance of drizzle (ended up being 100% at the AO) and 64 degrees and let the fates take charge. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 10 IC TTT x 11 IC HW x 10 IC LBAC X 10 <> (+ Overhead Claps, Seal Claps, Shoulder Pretzels) Slow
Chair Exercising with coupons and laps
8 HIM gathered on this beautiful 50 degree early Feb morning and all are better for it. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER – Check COP 20 SSH 10 TTT 10 LBAC forward, 10 Seal Claps, 10 Chinooks, 10 LBAC reverse 10 Low Slow Squats 10 Imperial walkers THE THANG While at
Dad Joke Corners
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 8 PAX with coupons and dad jokes. Which one would make us groan more? Warm-up Burpees 10 OYO Abe Vigoda IC x 10 Slow squats IC x 10 LBAC reverse IC x 10 Cherry Pickers IC x 10 Seal claps IC x 10 LBAC reverse IC
Ya Basic
Insert optional info about the weather, number of pax, etc. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X 25 IC TTT X 10 IC LBAC X 10 <> IC IW X 15 IC Slow Low Squats X 10 IC Slerkins X 10 IC THE THANG Run to Tombstone and get a partner Dora
Let’s Play UNO
7 HIM made the decision to set the alarm, layer up, and put in some work. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER – Check COP Motivators from 6 TTT (10) WMH (10 count) 10 each – LBAC (F/B), Seal Claps, Chinooks, Moroccan Night Clubs THE THANG Not your traditional game of UNO.
A Toast to the 2024 Leap Year
Disclaimer COP – Sugar NYE. 3 PAX saying goodbye to 2024 Warm-up TTT x 10 IC Imperial Walkers x 10 IC Seal claps x 10 IC Chinooks x 10 IC Slerkins x 10 IC Abe Vigoda x 10 IC Slow squat x 10 IC SSH x 25 IC The Thang
A Big Tree, F3 Tree and a Wall
Disclaimer COP – Sugar A week before Christmas Eve, it was a pleasant 54-degree morning—perfect for 6 PAX visiting a couple of Johnson City’s best Christmas trees. Warm-up The Thang Mosey to the big Christmas Tree at King’s Common. Partner up. Partner 1 bear crawls around fence around Christmas tree
White Elephant Swap – F3 Style
7 Pax came out to receive their presents, swap them with others, and get their sweat on. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER – Check COP Motivator from 6 10 – TTT 10 – Imperial Walkers 10 – LBAC (forward/Backwards), Moroccan night clubs, Seal Jacks, Chinooks THE THANG YHC prepared 15 gifts
A White 12 Days of Christmas
7 HIM looked outside and saw snow, checked the temp and saw it was mid 20’s and then said “Lets Do This”. Candyland Christmas was a sight with the snow and the 150 lit Christmas trees. Hard to imagine a better AO for scenery and all around good men. DISCLAIMER