17 PAX showed up in the beautiful 48 degree gloom for my 48th Birthday Sprints & Ladders w/ A Few Minutes of Pain Beat Down. DISCLAIMER PRAYER (Forgot to pray…my bad!) COP Monkey Hummers | 20 IC Bat Wings | 10 each IC (LBAC Forward, LBAC Back, Seal Claps, Overhead
Category: Iron Horse (Founders Park)
It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Gets Hurt-Rinsed
Sixteen Pax showed up Oct. 12 to get better for a recylced Cold Call Q from February of 2018. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Imperial Walkers (IC) x15 Little Baby Arm Circles (IC) x 20 LBAC in Reverse (IC) x20 Though The Tunnel (IC) x15 Slow Squats (IC) x10 THE THANG Today
B.O.M.B. – ran out of time for the S.
39 perfect degrees with 15 PAX DISCLAIMER – (DID NOT FORGET THIS TIME!) PRAYER COP SSH IC X 20, IW IC(somewhat) x ??, TTT IC X 6, 5 Burpees OYO, Overhead Air Press IC X 10, Merkin IC X 6, Big Boy SU IC x 5, Slow Squat IC X
Getting Better By Being Lazy
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 17 PAX came out to get better on a 63 degree morning by being lazy. Warm-up Motivators from 7 TTT 10 IC Slow squat 10 IC The Thang Partner up for a Lazy Dora 50 man makers cumulative per team 100 Merkins, 200 LBCs and 300
Keep it 100
16 PAX came out on a crisp 32 degrees this gloom. We to a jump up hill to accomplish some dirty Man Makers! DISCLAIMER PRAYER LBAC Forward/Reverse IC x20 TTT IC x10 WMH 10count each side THE THANG PAX mosey to Tumor raider Hill to begin workout. The PAX grouped
Circle the Wagons: Just Arms and Abs
It was a wonderful 57 degrees this morning. It was a great morning for a Circle the Wagons stay where you are arms and abs focused workout. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warm-Up -Plank Jacks IC x 15 -Merkins IC x 10 -Plankenstein IC x each arm and leg for 8 ct
10 for 10 at IronHorse
16 pax showed up on a warm and muggy fall morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP LBAC Forward/ Reverse x20 IC Thru the Tunnel x20 IC Side Straddle Hop x20 IC THE THANG Mosey to middle of IronHorse with Coupons to start workout Burpees x 10 Squats x 10 Merkins x 10
Wait, who has never been up to Girls Inc?
19 pax showed up as the warm fall continues with a clear 68 degrees. Never fear, YHC is on Fall Break next week which should ensure rain and cold temps will be here directly.. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Stair lap – stop and sun dial SSH X 30 IC TTT X
Dora Plus Some Burpees
It was a muggy 69 degrees in the gloom when 17 men came out to get better! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 10 Mericans The Motivator from 7 10 TTT 10 Slow Squats 10 Imperial Walkers THE THANG Mosey around the block and back to park to make sure no FNGs showed
What happened to the Clubs?
It was a beautiful September morning at Founders Park! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT x10IC, Willy Mays Hayes 10 count each side, LBAC x10IC forward and backward, Motivator from 7 THE THANG Repeat of Jobs Deck Beating: # on card rep count first exercise and multiply by 4 for rep count