11 Pax emerged from the fog like a character in a Sir Arthur Conan Doyle novel, but instead of a meerschaum pipe and a pocket watch, these men carried cinderblocks and a willingness to get better!!! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warm Up – SSHx25 IC – TTTx10 IC – WMH 10
Category: Iron Horse (Founders Park)
Tombstone Hill B.O.M.B.S
11 pax took the DRP and shed the fartsack to join his brothers in getting better. The gloom was almost not gloomy with the nice 65 degree temperature. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 Imperial Walkers IC x15 Mercans IC x10 LBAC IC x10 + reverse x10 Slow Squats
Sands of Time blow into Iron Horse
Sands of Time blow into Iron Horse 21 Pax came to Iron Horse this morning to celebrate Spring finally sticking around for several days in a row. Temperature was in the mid 40s, and it was dry. We decided to go ahead and workout since the weather was cooperative. 2
We All Became Frisbeeterians!
56 degrees, 8 PAX, beautiful weather for a friendly Ultimate Frisbee game at the end of the Q. No scrapes or bruises from falls on the parking lot was a plus. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 20 SSH 10 Lunges 15 SSH 10 TTT 10 SSH 20 IMP Walkers 5 SSH (“Hardly
Deep Dish Loves Double D’s
22 PAX. 46 degrees. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Merkins 20 IC Through The Tunnel 10 IC Arm Circles 16 IC Arm Circles Reverse 16 IC Quick mosey to the field. THE THANG Two-Man Line-Drill DORA 500 One man works as defined below, while the other runs a line drill (out and
Choose your Eggsercises
Definition of gloom: 45 degrees and light rain/drizzle. 17 pax took the Red Pill and showed up for some Eggcellent activities. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X30IC LBACs X10<>IC Right leg/left leg balance TTT X10IC DQ X10IC THE THANG Reverse Egg Hunt Buckets of eggs marked with eggsercises (thanks, Swingline, maybe).
Dora 2-4-6 ok maybe not
It was a warm spring day and there was big plans for the pax. 23 showed for a helluva Dora DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 13 Mercans IC 15 Imperial Walkers IC 10 count Willie Mays Hayes each side 10 TTT IC 10 slow Squats IC THE THANG
Learning F3 Workout Principles and Credo By Repetition
Repetition is a key principle to becoming better at many things. The saying is “the more you do it, the better you’ll be at it…” It is not just important for physical benefits like building strength and endurance, but also for mental benefits like building your ability to learn and
Divide and Conquer
What started out as 5 Pax, quickly turned into 16. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT 10-IC Willie Mays Hayes 10 count (L&R) Motivator (-6) Merkins 10-IC THE THANG Split into two groups. Group 1 went to the left (Group 2 to the right) SPRINTING (yes, Twilight) around Founders field stopping at
Introducing … the Singletator!
Thermometer said 43 this morning as 17 brave men got introduced to something that has never been done before…. I call it… the “Singletator” DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Before the Pax were ready for the Singletator, a little care was given to warm up the body and the shoulders. SSH 20