57 degrees this morning when 10 PAX entered the gloom to get better DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP slaughter starter – 20 burpees OYO Little baby arm circles – (IC) 10 Forward 10 reverse WMH 10 count to each side THE THANG Since only 2 PAX showed up for YHC’s New Years
Category: Johnson City
Pleasant morning in January for 9 PAX to put in work and celebrate QIC’s 14th Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – IC (14) Merkin – IC (14) LBAC – IC (14) Reverse LBAC – IC (14) WMH – 10 count each side Indian run to playground THE THANG Insert information
2-4-6-8 Who do we appreciate?
9 runners and 6 bootcampers arrived at The Hill ready to put in work on a perfect 48 degree morning. QIC picked up the Q the night before at the last minute so time to recycle some fun. DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPNothing….nada…..zip….only a mosey to the loop. THE THANGBeginning at the campus loop
We worked out….
Sorry guys, but I forgot the BB. Adding this so the PAX who posted are documented. FNG – Mick Williams = Sanford DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Insert information about the warmup. THE THANG Insert information about the workout. Sometimes bulleted lists are handy. MARY Insert information about any additional post-THANG work
The 100 Rep Mosey Tour
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 18 PAX gathered on a beautiful 61 degree morning for 1 hour. There was even a Quicken sighting which is rare in January. The goal was simple – to leave stronger and better than when we arrived. Warm-up TTT x 10 IC WMH x 10 seconds
Misericordiam passuum
12 pax arrived at arrowhead on a crisp 28° morning DISCLAIMER COP SSH x20 ic abe vigoda x10 ic imperial walker x10ic little baby arm circles forward/reverse x10 ic slow merkin x10 slow squat x10 THE THANG YHC gave a small hint for the workout the previous day, nevertheless the
2 Minute Intervals
14 Pax gathered in the gloom of Monday Jan. 6, 2019, some for running, some for Iron Pax Challenge at the Hill. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We stretched some, ran a Ponzi lap, and did some warm up on the football field. In Ponzi’s defense, he was there before the lap.
Out of Semi-Retirement
15 Pax un-ass the warm, cozy sack to join YHC in the 36 degree, cold rain. Coming out of Q semi-retirement I deemed it appropriate to roll with an old-school squat/merkin ladder with a side of box jumps and dips. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Rolling start—moseying around the track over to
F3 Facts and Burpees
It was a rainy, cool 33 degree morning. 17 pax pulled on some big boy underwear to get better. Pax were given ample time and warning for an F3 pop quiz. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 Mericans 10 IC TTT 10 IC Imperial Walkers 10 IC LBAC 10
The lazy 4k (laziness optional)
6 doods made it out for a recovery workout on a balmy 50 degree morning. I wanted to offer some options for the Pax that hurt themselves this week to still get out and enjoy the glorious gloom. Baby was tricked by Mother Nature into joining us because the rain