It was a warm spring day and there was big plans for the pax. 23 showed for a helluva Dora DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 13 Mercans IC 15 Imperial Walkers IC 10 count Willie Mays Hayes each side 10 TTT IC 10 slow Squats IC THE THANG
Category: Johnson City
Back on the Q
Perfect Spring morning for 13 PAX to put in some work. QIC was pumped to be back in the mix after a work related 2 month hiatus. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 right then left LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Reverse – 10 IC Merkin
Quad of Pain
Was a balmy 59 degrees that morning when 6 men chose to tackle the quad ya maumivu. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH 20 (IC) LBAC 12 (IC) TTT 10 (IC) THE THANG YHC had been eyeing the parking lot of the Hill for a few days. There are 4 light poles
Learning F3 Workout Principles and Credo By Repetition
Repetition is a key principle to becoming better at many things. The saying is “the more you do it, the better you’ll be at it…” It is not just important for physical benefits like building strength and endurance, but also for mental benefits like building your ability to learn and
Burpee Broad Jump Relay and Other Fun
12 energized PAX arrived on a pleasant morning. QIC had been out for a while, and it was great to be back with the the brotherhood over the last week. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator – 8 (IC) TTT – 10 (IC) Merkins – 10 (IC) WMH- 10 Count each leg THE THANG
10 runners and 1 rucker gathered at the Hill on an overcast day. The ground was a bit damp from rain overnight but the temperature was balmy and a good day for a Cold Call @thehill VQ. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Through the Tunnel x10 IC Willie Mays Hayes R &
After a beautiful Saturday, 7 pax got an April Fool’s day joke with 27 degrees. YHC warmed everyone up really quick. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ponzi lap THE THANG Several slips of paper were in a gift bag, they weren’t a gift. 100 ayg 400 800 Stair suicides Snake run on
Pax converge on Erwin to celebrate 2 years
Insert optional info about the weather, number of pax, etc. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP During warm up DocOck forgot that there were any other muscles besides shoulders. THE THANG Pax split into 3 groups. Escape Hatch lead a group through field exercises. Dock Ock lead some chicken peckers routines, and Chunk
Divide and Conquer
What started out as 5 Pax, quickly turned into 16. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT 10-IC Willie Mays Hayes 10 count (L&R) Motivator (-6) Merkins 10-IC THE THANG Split into two groups. Group 1 went to the left (Group 2 to the right) SPRINTING (yes, Twilight) around Founders field stopping at
Day 2: The Hill is Catching the Fire
Perfect weather, 51, no wind, with 7 Pax and an enjoyable, thick grassy field to use. The Hill has so many places to use for getting stronger and more fit! Disclaimer Prayer Circle COP Slow Lunge Through the Tunnel Side Straddle Hop American Hammers Abe Vigoda (Windmill) The Thang Mozy