Thermometer said 43 this morning as 17 brave men got introduced to something that has never been done before…. I call it… the “Singletator” DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Before the Pax were ready for the Singletator, a little care was given to warm up the body and the shoulders. SSH 20
Category: Johnson City
Froggy Scout Run
9 PAX agreed that a 45 degree crisp morning was perfect to go running. So we did. Of course they didn’t know about the run until they got there. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 20 IC Shoulder Medley rapid fire LBAC IC x5 forward LBAC IC x5 reverse Shoulder Pretzels
Choose Your Own Exercises, But Keep Good Form
39 degrees 22 pax came out to work on themselves. Today they got to choose what areas to strengthen on their bodies by choosing what exercises to do. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 Mercans IC 10 Squats IC 10 Imperial Walkers IC 15 THE THANG Mosey to the
The Hill – Tuesday Edition
The founders of F3, Dredd and OBT, state that once an AO consistently has more than 18 PAX posting, it’s time to expand. As the gloom has gotten a little less gloomy in recent weeks, IronHorse has seen significant expansion in numbers. Numbers in the 20s and 30s are common,
Just when you think you can’t get up that [Tombstone] hill, there’s the amphitheater
Spring sprung 32 pax out of the fartsack this into the clear low 50s gloom. Moneypenny and Kardashian c0-Q’d for MP’s VQ. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X20 IC TTT X10 IC WMH X10 IC LBAC X15 <> IC IW X10 IC HW X10 IC Mericans X10 IC THE THANG Divide
AM Grind
Cool morning, upper 30’s, clear & calm DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 Motivator (8) Abe Vigoda (IC) X 10 LBACs (IC) X 15, reverse, then Chinook squats (IC) X 10 Merkins (IC) X 10 Mod Chicken Peckers (IC) X 10 Slaughter Starter THE THANG Mosey to the playground
Study, Work Hard, & Pray
34 PAX. 38 degrees. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Merkin Planks 10 IC Neck Rolls OYO Shoulder Rolls OYO Through The Tunnel 10 IC Motivators from 8 THE THANG Count off by 6s and group up. 5 Block Burpees 10 Overhead Block Presses 15 Block Prisoner Squats 20 LBCs IC 25 Block
Football Field Work
10 pax showed up on a really nice morning. They did work on that field! DISCLAIMER COP Warm up lap 10 yd line and back: Butt kickers High knees Lunges THE THANG Repeat until I called time: Field suicides 20, 40, 40, 20 goal line. Run stairs and back down
March Madness
26 Pax including 2 FNG’s came out for some March Madness. DISCLAIMER COP Mosey about 100 yards. Through The Tunnel x 10 IC Mosey More Willie Mays Hayes 10 Count R & L leg Mosey More Motivator from 7 Pax Count off numbers 1-4 Mosey rest of way to Carver
A Lonely BLIMP
Eight PAX came out just to be disappointed again by Private. We miss you, hero. 47°F, Damp Ground, Cool Breeze, Partly Cloudy. Good Chatter Until 200 Plank Jacks Below. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators xPAX IC LBAC x5 IC Flapjack Overhead Clap x5 IC Seal Clap x5 IC TTT x5 IC