A brisk 19 degree morning greeted those who got out of bed and rolled over to the AO. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Roving warmup – High knees, butt kickers, grapevines, LBAC x 10 IC forward and reverse, 10 merkins IC THE THANG AMRAP: 5 Rounds, 3 minutes per round, 60 second
Category: Johnson City
On the Bleachers, Snow is Glistening
A gloomy wintry day in late November. Snow had fallen on the bleachers. A brisk wind blowing in from the north. A great day for a work-out….. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 Abe Vigoda (IC) X 10 Imperial Walkers (IC) X 25 Monkey Humpers (IC) X 10 LBACs
Summer Hibernation
So it was a warm 31 degrees this am with light snow……. is this the first snow of the season? DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP – SSH 25 IC -LBAC 10 IC each direction – TTT 10 IC Low and Slow THE THANG So it appears the YHC has to Q in
The Hill is alive with the sounds of Donatello
Ideal 40 degree weather for a solid run post-Thanksgiving. 9 PAX were eager to bring it at The Hill DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 IC Dynamic warm-up Mosey to the hill above the skate park THE THANG 3 cones were setup on the hill. Run
Happy Thanksgiving!
15 men gathered in the sub-freezing temps to put some work in before they put a bunch of food in. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH – 25 IC LBAC – 20 IC forwards, 20 IC backwards Overhead Claps – 20 IC Plank Shoulder Taps – 20 IC THE THANG 4 Stations
Happy Planksgiving
Sixteen PAX ran, planked and abed their way around the AO this morning. Mumblechatter was light, breathing was labored, and Cold Call was dressed questionably. Despite Cold Call’s appearance, the PAX worked hard. Six-packs were chiseled in preparation for 6-packs to be imbibed. Weather – 45ish and a little blustery.
The Hill has Its Ups and Downs
3 pax (more Respect than not) showed up for a 38 and clear run. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP THE THANG Warmup with some stretching and a Ponzi (Precious?) lap. Run to LBMS stairs. 5 laps up and down. Run to Balk Hill 5 laps EMOM(and a half) Run to stadium –
Bernie Sanders Campaign Stop #2
29 degrees didn’t stop 17 TF men from joining the Sanders campaign rally for a quad burning workout DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 7 IC Mosey lap around the park field 10 Mericans IC 10 LBCs IC 10 Squats IC 10 Flutterkicks IC 5 8-Counts IC Mosey around the
Three amigos vs El Guapo
Three pax gathered around a virtual flag on a crisp 29° morning for a guaranteed no bear crawl workout. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 15 IC willy mays hays imperial walker x10 IC arm circles f/r x10 IC merkins x10 IC THE THANG three pax moseyed to the swing set
Cold November Rain
It was a cold and wet 35 degrees this morning as 8 brave PAX assembled at Arrowhead. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 10 Merkins IC 15 LBAC(IC) 10 forwards/reverse WMH – 10 count hold 400m mosey THE THANG 4 min AMRAP SQUAT THRUSTS -20 DEADLIFTS-20 BLOCK BURPEES-20 Recover 2 min