9 PAX took to The Hill to let Monday know what’s up. Perfect 60 degree morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 sec right then left Ponzi lap – we missed you sir! THE THANG Partner up and let’s log some miles. Partner one runs a
Category: Johnson City
Rolling in the Rain
10 PAX braved the downpour to chance fate at the hands of the “dice of beatdown”. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 count right then left LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Rev – 10 IC Merkin – 10 IC THE THANG The PAX took a mosey
Summer’s Last Hurrah
70 and rain is better than 45 Yesterday YHC reminded the pax of Northeast Tennessee that today was likely to be the last warm day for months. 17 came out to say good-bye. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warmup SSH X 25 IC TTT X 10 IC DQ X 10 IC LBAC
Deck of Cards
With a 65 degree gloom it couldn’t be a better time to gather around and play some cards. 16 pax gathered around for a deck of death. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivator from 5 THE THANG This was a simple workout, take a deck of cards assign an exercise to
Now, with 50% more Dora! (sort of)
Very dark. 13 doods got un-lazy and put in some work. DISCLAIMER COP Warmin’ up…back on the street. LBAC, Merkins IC, Windmills, TTT set it off right. THE THANG Took a walk to the hill with coupons. Partnered up for a two man Dora 900: 100 Double Shots of Jack
Impromptu Q
Crisp fallish morning with 13 PAX on a Monday Runday. Looked like this, except it was dark…. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We stretched, right after Kardashian called out YHC to take an impromptu Q Dynamic warm-ups on the field, followed by a Ponzi Lap, followed by a football field suicide (every 10 yards)
Last Man Last Card
25 pax came to Ironhorse to push and get better. DISCLAIMER COP Warm-up? We don’t need no stinkin’ warm-up! THE THANG Last Man Standing – Hold a static position until you can no longer go, then proceed to do a second exercise until the last man drops. Round 1 –
Another kilo 5k
Beautiful morning with cooler temps for 7 brave PAX, 3 of whom doubled down (actually Jobs tripled down) DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH (IC) X 25 LABC (IC) X 25 forward then 25 back Merkins (IC) X 10 Abe Vigoda (IC) X 10 Flutter Kicks (IC) X 25 THE THANG The
Nymph Takes Us Down (Then Up, Up, Up) town
Weather: About 68ish on a fine Saturday morning. It was my first Q ever. The workout was inspired by The Hill with a touch of Roadblock. Disclaimer then Prayer. We are mosing around most of the warm-up including: (side straddle hops, through the tunnel, willy mays hayes). The touch of Roadblock
The Morning Rain Couldn’t Extinguish the Ring of Fire
19 PAX gathered on a 66 degree, rainy morning for some fun in a wet field. Disclaimer COP – Sugar Warm-up Motivator from 7 IC LBAC 15 IC LBAC Reverse 15 IC TTT 10 IC WMH 10 IC Merkins 10 IC The Thang Mosey to field for instructions on the