I resurrected my 60th birthday Q for a wheelbarrow team workout. Thanks to the men who shared their sweaty work horse wheelbarrows. 12 PAX enjoyed a wonderful 62 degrees and clear.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOP25 SSH10 TTT2 Willie Mays10 pickle pounders10 heels to heaven40 Little Baby Arm Circles. 20 Cherry pickersTHE THANGWITH Wheelbarrows mozy
Category: Johnson City
Track & Field Ladder
Pleasant Summer morning, high 60’s, perfect day for a run Q’d by Honeysuckle. 19 PAX (17 runners and 2 IPC – Jar Jar & Charmin) DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We stretched and warm-ed up with a Ponzi lap (Ponzi never showed) then some dynamic warm-ups on the field. THE THANG Ladder:
4 Stations for the 4th of Juy
Beautiful morning for 5 PAX to watch the sunrise. One of our PAX was a visitor from Knoxville, “Brick.” DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 5 – Willie Mays Hayes – Siglinator from 5 THE THANG PAX had 4 stations around the track. Once a PAX arrives at the first station,
1776 Freedom Q
A 64 degree morning welcomed 11 PAX to the Range for a 1776 inspired Q to celebrate our freedom and our commitment to pushing to get the work done. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Through the Tunnel x 10 WMH (right, center, left) hold for 10 Mosey up to the gym parking
Lots of running with a few stations
10 Pax came out for my 4 year anniversary Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Didn’t have much time for the THANG so the warmup was minimal. Motivator from 6 THE THANG We started at the track with Station #1. Run around the track, turn right at the softball field, back up
A little bit of Mosey in My Life.
12 Pax arrived at the AO in 70 ish degree clear skies. Welcome to visiting Pax El Chapo (F3 Raleigh) DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – IC x 10 Merkins – IC x 10 Mosey up Little Ln. to the parking lot outside of New Topper Palace: Willie Mays Hayes –
Whiplash 28th Birthday Run Q
Forecasted storms held off so that 11 PAX could increase their fitness without getting wet. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warm Up Lap High Knees to the 20 & back Butt Kickers to the 20 & back Karaoke to the 20 & back THE THANG Since YHC was turning 28, PAX would
Runnin’ and gunnin’
A gloomy summer morning, plenty of humidity with Honeysuckle as the QIC DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 7 TTT (IC) X 10 Imperial Walker (IC) X 25 LBACs (IC) X 10, reverse (IC) X 10, then shoulder pretzel (for Donatello, IC) X 5 Merkins (IC) X 10 THE THANG Two
11’s and Derkins by Jar Jar and Lite Brite
10 Pax met in the gloom under 70 degrees and mild humidity to put in work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP IW – 15 IC 5 Burpees OYO TTT – I0 IC 5 Burpees OYO Willie Mays Hayes 10 each leg 5 Burpees OYO LBAC Front and Back – 10 IC 5
as promised, no burpees
8 PAX. 60 degrees. muggy. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 10 Inchworms OYO THE THANG 1. 10 Minute EMOM (10 Merkins, 10 Squats, 10 V-Ups) 2. Fat Amy WOD Down and Up the ladder.Between each exercise, 5 Hand Release Merkins 50 Squats 40 V-Ups 30 Lunges 20 Thrusters 10 BBSU 3. 21