After just returning for Chicago, YHC decided to put some doors through the wringer! 7 decided to take up the challenge for this Tabata Tuesday! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators | from 5 Batwings | IC x 10 Abe Vigodas | IC x 10 TTT | IC x 10 Library Lap THE
Category: Immortal Station (Jonesborough)
Visiting Our Old Friend Hotel Hill
5 PAX posted up in the muggy gloom with not a breeze to be felt during the entire beatdown. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH – IC x 10 TTT – IC x 10 WMH – IC x 10 Bridge Lap Batwings – IC x 10 High Knees Island to Island Butt
A humid, no breeze, sweaty morning for 7 PAX to welcome the beautiful sunrise! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 10 Little baby arm circles – forward and reverse, 9 Swinging to touches, 8 hillbillies and imperial walkers, followed by a (finishing up from Saturday) Motivators from 7. THE THANG We took a
Tabata Tuesday – Jammin’ in July!
A great July morning greeted 4 guys with the temp in the 60s. And what better way to celebrate our month of FREEDOM than with some great patriotic tunes for this Tabata Tuesday! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSHs | IC x 10 LBAC & BBAC | IC x 7 TTT |
L.I.N.C.O.L.N. P.A.R.K. Revisited
3 had missed the original last year. So, YHC decided what better way to resurrect a great workout in “The Sauna” than with a revisit of the first workout at Lincoln Park. Plus we brought back an Iron Horse favorite, the Raccoon Crawl!! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter-Starter (aka 20 Burpees
DORA B.O.M.B.S. It is!
No one was on the Q. So I decided to bring out some cute DORA B.O.M.B.S.! 7 showed up and they all regretted it. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 5 / Batwings (IC) – 10 / TTT (IC) – 10 / Abe Vigodas (IC) – 10 THE THANG Moseyed from
Tabata Tuesday – Jivin’ in June!
A beautiful morning greeted 10 9 guys with the temp in the 60s. They were motived to roll out of bed and show up for some tunes and cardio with our monthly Tabata Tuesday! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators | from 5 Batwings | IC x 10 Abe Vigodas | IC
12-min AMSAP Rounds with Blocks
3 PAX at The Ridge #immortal_station for an impromptu AMSAP with Tunes Q led by YHC!!! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We did some warmup stuff (SSHs, TTT, Chinooks, Hillbilly Walkers) THE THANG AMSAP (As Many Sets As Possible) 12 Min Rounds per Set Set One (5 / 10 / 15) 5 Burpees 10
Unluck of the Draw
6 PAX strolled out in the beautiful Tuesday morning gloom and decided to play cards! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 7 Abe Vigodas (IC) X 15 TTT (IC) X 10 THE THANG Unluck of the Draw with giant playing cards… CIRCLE OF TRUST PRAYER MOLESKIN If you ask yourself, “Who
Tabata Tuesday – MAYDAY!!
The rain arrived and left just before the beatdown started; and even with the temp in the 60s, 11 doods were motived to roll out of bed and show up for some tunes and cardio with a pick your poison tabata to change it up a bit! Both Moderate and