61 degrees with a light breeze and a waning crescent moon so no one can see the pain in our faces. 11 PAX embraced this classic physical assessment. DISCLAIMER COP SSH IC x20 Imperial walkers IC x10 LBAC IC x10 Shoulder pretzel IC x10 LBAC reverse IC x10 Through the
Category: Northeast Tennessee
House Construction
9 PAX dared show up for a Little Debbie construction-themed Q on an oppressively humid September morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Stir the Pot – 5 IC each direction Arm Circles – 10 IC forwards/reverse Wide Stance Copperhead Squats – 10 IC Mountain Climbers – 10 IC Man Makers – 10
Roll of the Dice- but not workout dice
On an unusually slow Saturday morning, 6 pax came out to welcome the humidity back to the area. 69 degrees and 10000% humidity greeted us DISCLAIMER PRAYER- OOPS COP Did some stuff in cadence to get warmed up- SSH, LBAC (forward and reverse), Through the Tunnel, and Imperial Walkers THE
A roaming 500
100% humidity greeted the pax for a Saturday beat down. It was supposed to be an easy work out, and on paper, it was. IRL, as the kids say, it was tough. DISCLAIMER COP Got warm. THE THANG 10 rounds of 10 of: Diamond / HR merkins Jump squats Pickle
Dazed and Confused (More Than I Asked For)!
It was nice going back to where F3 began for me. It was great seeing the PAX who EHd me not leading the IronHorse gents. We had a strong group of 14 PAX who were ready to get their brains rattled by some extremely complicated instructions!!! Not really, but it
It was a beautiful morning with the perfect amount of PAX to do some crazy Team Work. DISCLAIMER – PRAYER COP Warm-up Bridge Lap TTT X 10 IC Slow Squat X 10 IC WMH X 10 (R/L) IW X 15 IC LBAC X 10 (F/R) THE THANG This workout was designed
It was a humid something degrees this morning as 8 Pax donned extra clothes and coupons to remember the fallen. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP LBAC – IC – f15/r15 –Windmills – IC 15 — Willie Mays – 10count each leg — TTT – IC 10 THE THANG We marched over to
Adios Legs
9 Pax made for a wonderful morning workout DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP LBC- TTT – Willie Mays Hayes THE THANG Workout was on the track and there were 8 stops along the way. 10 Monkey Drills 20 Step Ups 10 Peter Parker 20 Monkey Humpers 10 Lt. Dan 15 Mountain Climber
When the Q is away 09/08/20
Low Turnout for the day after labor day, Q couldn’t make it so we were ready to wing it DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Yes, the usual with some Burpees THE THANG A ladder of workouts in the circle and then a modified DORA with Bear Crawls MARY YES, Crunches and Boat
DORA Murph
Beautiful summer morning with low humidity and comfortable temp. for 14 PAX to put in work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 5 Merkins – 10 IC WMH – 10 Count to R, 10 Count to L TTT – 10 IC LBAC – 10 IC Reverse LBAC- 10 IC 2 lines