46 degrees as the Arrowhead flag planted for the first time in about a month. Being more mindful of our space, 7 PAX joined to fun. Good to see Pedialyte rucking the AO. DISCLAIMER We acknowledged the risk of being here COP SSH IC x20 LBAC IC x10 Forward and
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Ode to Moneypenny, Subprime, and Rite Aid
52 degrees, 7 Pax showed up to put in the work. DISCLAIMER – Jar Jar – I am not a professional, modify as needed. PRAYER COP Imperial Walkers – 10 IC Hillbilly Walkers – 10 IC Merkins – 10 IC TTT – 10 IC Will Mays Hayes – 10 count
Whiplash’s favorite card game
12 PAX maintained appropriate social distance while still getting stronger. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 8, TTT x 10, LBAC x15, RLBAC x15, Hillbilly Walkers x10 THE THANG PAX split into two groups to stay within POTUS regulations of social gatherings. PAX moseyed to two seperate parking lots with two
Going Out With a Burpee
It was 50 degrees, Damp, and 9 Pax made their way into the gloom. DISCLAIMER – Jar Jar – I am not a professional, you are here on your own free will, modify as needed. PRAYER – Jar Jar COP Imperial Walkers – 15 IC Merkins – 11 IC Batwings –
20 Lap Challenge
50 degrees – 10 pax DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 2 easy laps – then stretch on your own for 3 min THE THANG 4 Laps at race pace / 2 laps at recovery pace 2 laps at race pace / 1 lap at recovery pace x 2 1 lap at race
Tabata Tour of Tennessee
Ideal weather morning for 6 PAX to follow Little Debbie around Warriors Path doing tabatas. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Mosey THE THANG 8 rounds of tabata separated by extended moseys. Included was Carolina Dry Docks on the floating dock. MARY 2 PAX rucked beforehand. CIRCLE OF TRUST PRAYER
COVID 19 and the Unexpected
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 9 PAX gathered – at least 6 feet apart from one another for the majority of time to help prevent the spread of COVID 19 – on a beautiful 49 degree morning for an impromptu Q from YHC. Swingeline was on the calendar, but didn’t show
3 for a Dora family reunion
3 pax were able to make that tough decision to get out of the sack on a 49° dry morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP All IC ssh x15 imperial Walker x10 abe Vigoda x10 willy Mays hays x10 slow squat x10 lbac x10 forward and reverse slow merkin THE THANG The
Roll and go
Insert optional info about the weather, number of pax, etc. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Willy Mays Hays, Merkins, Motivators from 5. THE THANG 20-sided dice rolls and hill repeats. Roll a 1-5, do that many burpees Roll a 6-10, do that many jump squats Roll a 11-15, do that many heels-to-heaven
52 of something
15 pax showed up in the 45ish cclear gloom to help YHC start the last day of his 51st year DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X26 IC LBAC X13<>One leg up THE THANG What comes in 52s other than Kardashians? Decks of cards. YHC brought out the F3 deck and we