17 PAX including FNG Priscilla showed up to get better. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 20 Burpees OYO THE THANG 5 Minute AMRAP 7 Merkins, 7 Derkins, 7 Dips Mosey with Coupon to Tombstone Hill Complete first exercise on the list. Run to top of Hill for 10 BBSU. Run to bottom
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Olde Tyme Five and Dime
12 PAX showed up for an olde tyme five and dime with perfect 41 degree weather. DISCLAIMER Burpees x 5. Easy peasy. Motivator from 10. And there was much rejoicing. 15 LBAC’s fwd then back. Discussion about five and dime. Mosey to the playground with a coupon. THE THANG Five
Valentine’s “Fun”
12 Pax came out in the cold gloom to get stronger and better. Glad to see so many come out for my Q. DISCLAIMER COP Mosey to the stairs parking lot Burpee broad jump down 5 times and back 5 times SSHx20 TTTx10 THE THANG We spelled Valentine’s Day. Pax
19 Degree Thaw with Hee Haw
10 PAX showed up and showed out for a stroll in the park with some exercises in between. Accompanied by tunes brought to you by Junior Brown, XM Lithium and Classic Rock (for Moneypenny). DISCLAIMER PRAYER WARMUP SSH, WMH, SSH 5 Rounds of: 5 Burpees 10 Kettle Bell Swings 15
3 year prison patdown
14 PAX showed up for a 3-year anniversary Q led by YHC with the same dreary weather as the last 2 weeks, Seattle style (at least it wasn’t cold!). DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 7 – except Donatello who started at 5 and whined the entire time. Jobs cracks a
Hello BOPO
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 13 PAX came out on a rainy, 58 degree morning for some work. YHC didn’t want to disappoint, so I introduced them to BOPO (Burpee, One-legged burpee, Plank jack, One-legged burpee [the other leg]. This counts as 1 rep). Mumble chatter confirmed they were not disappointed.
Continuation of 3 Levels of Suck
10 PAX showed up and put in some work. 45ish degree weather. No rain. YHC left the flag in truck at the repair shop. T-claps to Jamboree for the use of his heavy CMU. DISCLAIMER PRAYERCOP – 10 Burpees OYO. TTT x12. 5 Burpees OYO? cant remember. THE THANGCoupon Indian Run
The Sound of Suicides
16 PAX found themselves at The Hill on an ideal 42 degree morning. The Hill was alive….with the sound of suicides. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Nope….jog to the hill on Pactolas THE THANG Nothing like suicides around the AO Begin on Pactolas running to the 2nd light pole, then the 4th,
OJ Hates Your Shoulders
12 PAX in the gloom, very light rain but very wet pavement. The exact temperature varied depending on who you ask, but best guess is low 50s. VQ. DISCLAIMER – everyone now knows I am not a professionalPRAYERCOP Motivators from 5 TTT (IC) X 10 Abe Vigodas (super-fast windmill style)
Wait, How Many Corners on This Block?
18 Pax ventured into the 51 (Coincidence? I think not) and rain. (Again, the rain). YHC stripped off the rain jacket before the warmup ready for what was to come. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X 30 IC IW X 15 IC DQ X 10 IC Merikins X 10 IC LBAC