18 PAX overcame the sack to put in some leg work on a brisk 36 degree January morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators – From 7 Through the Tunnel – IC x10 Imperial Walker – IC x20 WMH – 10 count each side THE THANG PAX partnered up to complete a
Category: Northeast Tennessee
30 minutes of Salt n Pepa
YHC picked up the Q on Monday eve. Then looked at the forecast and saw 40 and rain. Perfect for a Salt n Pepa Push it Q. DISCLAIMER 2 lap warm up dynamic stretching at goal line divide in to 7, 8, and 9 minute/mile push it groups. Indian run
1:4 @ The Range
9 pax endured the first boot camp Q from YHC since September. Weatherman called for rain and 44. We got dry and 54. No complaints. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 20 IC HR Merkins x 5 IC Hillbillies x 20 IC HR Merkins x 5 IC Imperials x 20 IC
12 Pac came out to some warmer weather (31 degrees instead of in the teens). I did this Q once before at The Range but decided to use it again with some modifications. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Stair lap. TTTx 15 Little baby arm circles x10. This got interrupted by a
Deck O’Cards
13 pax came on a cool morning in the gloom to get better. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Run to the amphitheater Merkins Lunges And a few other warm up exercises. THE THANG A deck of waterproof cards were brought out. Hearts represents burpees Diamonds represents Mercans Clubs represents Freddie Mercuries Spades
the most Okayest workout ever!
perfect 30 degree weather, 14 Pax. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP motivator from 8, moseyed the long way to pull up bar area. 5 min abs 1 min of each of the following- mountain climbers,flutter kicks, side planks, LBC, and plank jacks. THE THANG 15 min AMRAP– 10 pullups, jog to last
45 / 15 Trolley Special 01.23.20
12 PAX came out for a chilly morning DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We did stuff for 45 sec then ran for 15 sec : REPEAT and Burpees too
4 Stations of Pain + A Tire
11 PAX overcame the comfort of their homes to put in some hard work in 18 degree weather. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 7 TTT IC X10 LBAC X12 RLBAC X12 Imperial Walkers IC X20 THE THANG PAX partnered up and completed cumulative reps at four stations across the range.
F350 Cardio Burner
DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Due to the nature of the workout, the warm-up was quite simple 10 X TTT 10 X WMH THE THANG This was a carido intense workout called F350. It was meant to push each PAX to their limit. The goal was to do as many rounds as
20 4 20
20 Pax joined together in the blustery 20 degree weather. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH IC (20) Squats IC (20) LBAC (20) each direction THE THANG 2 stations are set up. 1 at the Pavilion the other at the Bike Rack. Begin with said exercise with a Qty of 5 Reps,