9 PAX braved the 20 degree weather for a pre-launch Saturday workout at the Immortal Station with Honeysuckle as the QIC. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 Abe Vigoda (IC) X 10 LBACs (IC) X 10, then reverse (IC) X 10, cherry pickers, Moroccan nightclub, Chinooks (IC) X 10,
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Saturday Sandbagagazna
Four showed up and it was freaking cold. But clear. DISCLAIMER COP No idea. THE THANG 4 stations, 4 ladders to 1 to 11 (Elevenzies!) Walk between stations. Bleachers Diamond Merkins Weighted Backsquats Bottom of the Hill Power Clean and Press (bottom of hill) V-ups (top of hill) Swings Weighted
Launchpad’s Birthday Q
12 PAX didn’t let the 27 degree temperatures stop them from celebrating YHC’s birthday Q DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP THE THANG Mosey to Farmers Market parking lot. Slaughter Starter. PAX partnered up and bear brawled halfway down the Farmer’s Market parking lot. 1 PAX bear crawled while partner applied resistance to
Run, Squat, Run, Merkin… Burpee
9 Pax unsacked this morning to brave the deluge of water NETN is currently being blessed with to endure an OG certified beatdown. 53 degrees and RAIN!!! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 10 Burpees OYO TTT – IC – 5 5 Burpees OYO Slow Squats – IC – 10 5 Burpees OYO
Blocks, Bear Crawls, Bernies, and Back
12 PAX braved the nasty rain to participate in a Little Debbie ball buster. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Thunderstruck Slaughter Starter (37 burpees with SSH in between) THE THANG 6 rounds of below with each round starting with a different block exercise Block Exercise 20 Block Merkins 20 Block Bent Over
3 Levels of Suck! Part 1
10 PAX showed for Part 1 this week of 3 Levels of Suck. The weather didn’t disappoint as we worked in the rain! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH IC x 20 TTT IC x 10 LBAC IC x 10 (Forward and Reverse) THE THANG There was chatter about a lone coyote
Grind @ THE HILL
NICE weather for the 13 PAX ready to put in some miles and push through another Iron Pax Challenge. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT IC x 10 Willy May Hays (hold for 10 sec. each side) LBAC IC (Forward & Reverse THE THANG 6 PAX took off for some miles while
Mid 50s with a bit of cloud cover for the Gutterball AnniQ. 15 PAX joined the fun DISCLAIMER COP We just started THE THANG 25 exercises, 25 reps each SSH IC LBAC Toy soldier 25 yds Bear Crawl 25 yds Block press Monkey humpers Merkin Tuck jumps American Hammers IC
Bridge Laps and Ladder
18 PAX left the comfort of the fartsack to put in the work. 52 degrees. Rain held off. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 10 Burpees OYO TTT x10 5 Burpees OYO Bridge Lap THE THANG 5 Bonnie Blairs (2:1) 10 Burpees 20 CPRs 30 KBS 40 Merkins 50 BBSU 60 Curls 70
Arrowhead 3-Year Convergence
39 PAX joined on cloudy day, mid-30s to celebrate the three year anniversary of the Arrowhead AO. Honeysuckle started us off… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Jester: SSH ICx20 Imperial Walkers ICx15 Abe Vigoda IC x10 WMH 10 ea side LBAC ICx10 forward and reverse Merkins IC x10 Count off in 3s