perfect 30 degree weather, 14 Pax. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP motivator from 8, moseyed the long way to pull up bar area. 5 min abs 1 min of each of the following- mountain climbers,flutter kicks, side planks, LBC, and plank jacks. THE THANG 15 min AMRAP– 10 pullups, jog to last
Category: Northeast Tennessee
45 / 15 Trolley Special 01.23.20
12 PAX came out for a chilly morning DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We did stuff for 45 sec then ran for 15 sec : REPEAT and Burpees too
4 Stations of Pain + A Tire
11 PAX overcame the comfort of their homes to put in some hard work in 18 degree weather. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 7 TTT IC X10 LBAC X12 RLBAC X12 Imperial Walkers IC X20 THE THANG PAX partnered up and completed cumulative reps at four stations across the range.
F350 Cardio Burner
DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Due to the nature of the workout, the warm-up was quite simple 10 X TTT 10 X WMH THE THANG This was a carido intense workout called F350. It was meant to push each PAX to their limit. The goal was to do as many rounds as
20 4 20
20 Pax joined together in the blustery 20 degree weather. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH IC (20) Squats IC (20) LBAC (20) each direction THE THANG 2 stations are set up. 1 at the Pavilion the other at the Bike Rack. Begin with said exercise with a Qty of 5 Reps,
Too Cold to Type
11 PAX braved the cold 21 Degrees and Wind Chill at 14 DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 5 – Willie Mays Hayes- TTT – Arm Pretzels THE THANG Dora- One partners runs 10 yards, bear crawl across track to rail road ties and does 10 step ups on each leg,
Fun Around the Island!
Saturday January 18, 2020 Warriors Path – Cool morning slight mist 39 degrees. 3 dudes rucked prior. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH IC x 20, LBAC 3 ways, Mercs x 10 IC, TTT, Abe Vigoda THE THANG Mosey 1/2 way around the island to the bench and table, faster PAX ran
It’s a Cold One
25 degrees, flurries, and a day off didn’t keep 12 Ruckers, IPCers, nor runners in. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP YHC rolled in on two wheels so we got right to it THE THANG 2 groups of 3 Run the stadium 100 yard dashes Laps around track Stadium runner is the timer
Chatter and Work
Saturday Jan 18th The weather was perfect for work, the Ice held off, the number of pax was 17 DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 8, LBAC, WMH, TTT. Carry your blocks to Girls Inc. hill. THE THANG Teams of 2, 1 ran to the top of the hill while the
Yes I recycle…Q’s
6 pax and an overuse of essential oils unassed the sack on a cool and breezy 41° morning. DISCLAIMER COP SSH x20 ic imperial walker x10 ic wmh x10 abe vigoda x10ic Slow merkins x10ic THE THANG Pax mosey around the track to the bleachers and partner up for a