In the muggy, clear, 65° gloom of the morn, 30 PAX showed up to start their day off strong with another Iron Horse/Arrowhead Monthly Convergence. PRAYER COP Motivators from 7 TTT IC x10 Willie Mays Hayes, 10 ct. Both legs LBACs, IC x10, forwards & backwards Frankensteins IC x10 Merkins
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Swirly fartsacks so the old man has to cover
WEATHER – 64 degrees DISCLAIMER PRAYER WARMUP SSH – IC – 25 WMH – IC – 10 Merkins – IC – 14 Akien Arms – LBAC, Arm Pretzels, Over head claps, Seal claps, LBAC in rev – IC 15 of each Imp Walkers – IC – 15 Hillbilly Walkers –
27th Birthday Block Party!
11 PAX came out to The Range on a beautiful morning to help QIC celebrate his birthday with a VQ block party. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 7 (with questionable QIC short support.) TTT x20 IC Squats x 15 Burpees x 10 LBCs x 15 THE THANG PAX mosied with
F3 Honorable sweat
Weather: Strikingly beautiful morning and 63 degrees 12 pax present DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warm ups SSH IC x 25 Through the tunnel x 10 IC Side stretch x10 each side Imperial Walkers x 15 IC Merkins x 10 IC Hill Billy walkers x 15 IC THE THANG Indian Run to
Easiest BB in F3 NETN History
The scene changed, but the work remained the same. Only difference is EMOM included burpee over the block (parking curb), rather than burpee box jumps.
“Not that Stupid Hill Again!” – @Mayfly commentary on June 22nd Warriors Path
Muggy Day after a Rucking Warm up for some DISCLAIMER In addition to disclaimer @Louie was advised that it was no longer dark when we started and he needed to be more discreet about taking care of bodily functions!! PRAYER COP SSH, Abe Vigoda, Mercs, LBAC THE THANG Grab a
Light Workout in the Valley
Beautiful morning at #F3Erwin DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We started with a modified 21. Merkins and American Hammers (1-10, 2-9, 3-8, etc) with 5 squats each time you hit the midpoint. THE THANG Some ladder work that included 10 Carolina Dry Docs 20 lunges (eventually single count) 30 LBC (single count)
Hand Release = Crowd Pleaser
Small but top-notch crowd at The Range today. Weather – clear, 68 degrees DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Hillbillies x 25 IC HR Merkins x 10 IC Imperials x 25 IC HR Merkins x 8 IC Prisoner squats x 10 IC HR Merkins x 6 IC Plank jacks x 15 IC HR
No Workout for Old Men!!!
19 Pax cut through the fog and endured multiple movie quotes and references, in 66 degree morn to help YHC cross the threshold into the twilight (swidt) of my life. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP * TTT x10 IC *WMH x 10 count per side *LBAC Fwd x15 IC *LBAC Bkw x15
Some of My Favorites
DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Warm-Up, wasn’t really a warm up. Getting strait to business of BLIMPs. B – 5 burpees L – 10 Lunges I – 15 Imperial Walkers M – 20 Merkins P – 25 Plank Jacks S – 30 Squats Mosey 100 meters -> 5 burpees -> mosey