20 of the Johnson City faithful gathered at Arrowhead for a 0600 game of cards on Saturday the 15th of September. Ironhorse was closed for the day due to the TriCities 1st Annual TriPride parade using Founders Park for the event. So, Arrowhead served as a fine, dark location to
Category: Northeast Tennessee
Interval Training Trice as Nice
TIME: 0530 TEMP: 68F DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Squats x15IC Merkins x10IC SSH x30IC TTT x10IC Two Laps around Carpool Circle THE THANG Separate into groups of three and spread out approximately 5 yards apart. Mark positions with a cone. Three stations, three exercises, one minute intervals, three cycles a round. Round
9.13.18 Wilderness Rd
DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 25x SSH 10x Squat for stretch F/B Arm Circle IC 10x TTT IC Mosey x2 THE THANG Keep it simple- Start at 20x, go down 1 rep after each rd (finished through 17x) Row Front squat Curlz fir gurlz Hang clean Thruster 1x Sprint to end of
A Block Mile Tour of the AO (9/11 workout)
12 PAX un-assed the sack for a 1-mile block tour of the AO. A good time was had by all! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter starter (20 burpees) TTT IC X10 LBAC – forward X10 IC, backwards X10 IC, Chinooks (for Honeysuckle) X10 IC Merkins IC X10 Imperial Walkers IC X10
Zig-Zagging Across a Soggy Field
It was a mild day, a bit of fog, but otherwise clear skies. 12 PAX showed up even with the hinting of tire flipping the night before. There was dew on the grass – lots of it. But at least it was cut, so we had that going for us.
Two years and counting…
Beautiful morning for 20 PAX to come out and help me celebrate my two year anniversary with F3. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warm-up The motivator from 8, with horrendous counting by your humble Q master Through the Tunnel X 10 IC The Merkin X 10 IC Abe Vigoda X 10 IC
WEATHER – cool 61 degrees and damp morning but not raining DISCLAIMER PRAYER 8 – Motivators from 8 :46 – 23 LBAC /23 LBAC in rev 9 – Merkins – IC :03 – Mosey 3 laps 9– Burpees – OYO :37 – Lunges (R and L equals one) 9– Merkins
Bingo Wings Boilermaker
3 PAX joined Little Debbie for a workout shamelessly stolen from the previous day’s boilermaker. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The regular stuff…LBAC, Abe, Mosey, etc. THE THANG Fran (Modified) 21 Bent Over Rows / 21 Thrusters (w/ 40-60# sandbag), mumblechatter 15… 13… 11… 9… 7… 5… 3… 1… 3 minute recovery
Hey, Hey BOMBS Away!
On a 69 degree, gloomy morning 30 PAX including 2 FNG from Iron Horse joined together to kick the enemy in the teeth by bombing it away. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Warmup The Motivator from 7 TTT x 10 Merican x 10 Willie Mays Hayes x 10 Imperial Walkers x
Insert optional info about the weather, number of pax, etc. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Insert information about the warmup. THE THANG Insert information about the workout. Sometimes bulleted lists are handy. MARY Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable). CIRCLE OF TRUST PRAYER MOLESKIN Insert any personal comments, notes,