After an AMLAP Q Saturday, an AMHAP Q seemed like a fitting way to start this fine Labor Day. Indeed it was. 8 pax labored and are better for it. Weather – clear, muggy, humid, thick, sultry, 70 degrees DISCLAIMER COP Mosey one track lap waiting for late arrivers SSH
Category: Northeast Tennessee
September Co-Q Sampler Platter
With 30 pax posting to The Horse on Thursday, a Co-Q was in order to welcome September. YHCs offered two main courses – one that involved several coupons and a square and one that involved a pair of legs and an oval. 21 pax posted and had the choice of
Lumberjack Spartan Sandbag!!!
3 pax comeout to enjoy the day DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Army PRT Prep Drill/ THE THANG Lumberjack 20 after each exercise jog band field corners jog, straight always side shuffle, then alternate after each exercise then you run backwards straight away 20 Deadlifts 20 KB swings 20 overhead squats 20
Kardashian’s da BOMBS
Nice mid 60s gloom made great conditions for 30 pax to put in some work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warmup SSH X20 IC DQ X15 IC IW X15 IC Mericans X10 IC LBAC X10 <> IC (lift a foot off the ground) THE THANG Indian run around Wild Wing Cafe down
U Gotta Love Burpees
11 PAX found themselves in the gloom awaiting the chance to put in some work on a humid 62 degree morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – Right and Left 10 count LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Reverse – 10 IC Merkins – 10 IC THE THANG
Iron Pax #3 8/23/18
7 Pax Great Weather and Taylor Swift on the speaker DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We did some stuff THE THANG See Picture MARY Boat / Canoe CIRCLE OF TRUST PRAYER MOLESKIN Pave the road 43′ out in front because other men are coming . ANNOUNCEMENTS
8.28.18 Wilderness Lap
9 PAX on a mildly muggy dark morning, including one FNG- Lamp Post DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 10 10 Merkin IC F/B Arm Circle IC 10 TTT IC THE THANG -It pays to be a winner Separate into 2 teams, cannot run until everyone done with ex’s x2 Entire
Pirate Cove was light on PAX but not effort
WEATHER – 54 degrees DISCLAIMER PRAYER WARM UP 1/2 mile Ruck THE THANG Grillz graciously sent YHC the Wienkie sheet last night with the understanding that his attendance was in question due to 2.1s illness. He mentioned this came from Donatello’s ruck pt workouts 3 rounds 10 yard bear crawl
700 Club Revisit
27 PAX (3 FNGs) Came out to Glory’s last stand. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Side straddle hop ICx 20 Merkin IC x 15 Through the tunnel IC x 15 Ironhorse was occupied so we transitioned to a different AO for the Thang THE THANG While I was still planning my final
GoRuck Style Workout, but I’m not doing a GoRuck Event
56 degrees and 21 men decided to make the choice to make themselves better DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Motivators from 7 TTT x 15 IC Merican x10 IC Squats x 10 IC Imperial Walkers x 15 THE THANG 20 Squats with ruck/block over head 20 4-count Flutter Kicks 20 Ruck/Block