17 PAX. 2 FNG’s. 50 degrees. DISCLAIMER PRAYER WARMUP Shoulder Rolls 10 OYO Neck Rolls 10 OYO Overhead Arm, Back Stretches Arm Circles 10 IC Arm Circles Reverse 10 IC Through The Tunnel 10 IC Mosey to the field. Bring your blocks. THE THANG Split into teams of 4, 5,
Tag: Cluck (R)
Deep Dish Loves Double D’s
22 PAX. 46 degrees. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Merkins 20 IC Through The Tunnel 10 IC Arm Circles 16 IC Arm Circles Reverse 16 IC Quick mosey to the field. THE THANG Two-Man Line-Drill DORA 500 One man works as defined below, while the other runs a line drill (out and
Learning F3 Workout Principles and Credo By Repetition
Repetition is a key principle to becoming better at many things. The saying is “the more you do it, the better you’ll be at it…” It is not just important for physical benefits like building strength and endurance, but also for mental benefits like building your ability to learn and
Introducing … the Singletator!
Thermometer said 43 this morning as 17 brave men got introduced to something that has never been done before…. I call it… the “Singletator” DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Before the Pax were ready for the Singletator, a little care was given to warm up the body and the shoulders. SSH 20
Just when you think you can’t get up that [Tombstone] hill, there’s the amphitheater
Spring sprung 32 pax out of the fartsack this into the clear low 50s gloom. Moneypenny and Kardashian c0-Q’d for MP’s VQ. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X20 IC TTT X10 IC WMH X10 IC LBAC X15 <> IC IW X10 IC HW X10 IC Mericans X10 IC THE THANG Divide
Be Courageous And Let Your Heart Be Strong
32 PAX showed up in the gloom in balmy 37 temps for YHC’s final Q DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP We started with an Army Crawl. This is only because Kardashian requested it. We made it a short one. FCs x 100 IC, TTT x 10 IC, Shoulder Pretzels x 25 IC
Around the Horn
On a cold, blustery, gloomy morning, YHC promised the PAX they’d feel balmy by 0535. YHC believes he delivered on that promise. No mumblechatter about the cold was mentioned by the 19 PAX. Weather – 21 degrees, dry DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 25 IC Jack Webbs 1:4 to 10:40
A Little MOUNTAIN can DO
TIME: 0600 TEMP: 45F DISCLAIMER BURPEE TRAIN!!! PRAYER COP SSHx45IC Liked doing SSH on a giant wet sponge. SQUATSx20IC (3 count hold) LUNGE JUMPS x20 (single count) oyo CALF RAISES x20IC MERKINS x10IC MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS x20IC tore up the ground. Moved to side walk for remainder of warm up CAROLINA
FNG led Q….aka Honcho
Unseasonably warm 54 degrees, but 24 men decided to get better. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Insert information about the warmup. THE THANG SSH 25 IC TTT 10 IC Imperial Walkers 24 IC LBAC 10 IC each Direction Cherry Pickers 5 Burpees 10 Merkins 15 Overhead Press 20 LBCs Run to end
Arm Day at Iron Horse
27 PAX post for a crisp-but-dry 32º morning, and Penn-Seagal’s first Q since his birthday in August — a event so epic that the Johnson City Press showed up to document the occasion. (Full disclosure: That correlation might be diminished slightly by the knowledge that Pythagoras called the Press to