16 Pax, including 1 FNG (Pong) showed up on a slightly icy, but not too chili morning to put in some work. The temperature was around 36 degrees. Pax gathered under the Farmer’s Market to avoid the ice. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 5, 10 x Burpees, 10x TTT, LBC
Tag: Cluck (R)
The Calories Are NOT Fun Sized
After a couple weeks of cool fall weather, YHC was pleasantly surprised by 61 degrees and DRY! 25 guys met in the gloom to work off that dad tax from Halloween night. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warmup SSH X20IC TTT X10IC DQ X10IC IW X15IC LBACs X10IC <> (YHC is trying to
Summer’s Last Hurrah
70 and rain is better than 45 Yesterday YHC reminded the pax of Northeast Tennessee that today was likely to be the last warm day for months. 17 came out to say good-bye. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Warmup SSH X 25 IC TTT X 10 IC DQ X 10 IC LBAC
Hey, Hey BOMBS Away!
On a 69 degree, gloomy morning 30 PAX including 2 FNG from Iron Horse joined together to kick the enemy in the teeth by bombing it away. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Warmup The Motivator from 7 TTT x 10 Merican x 10 Willie Mays Hayes x 10 Imperial Walkers x
700 Club Revisit
27 PAX (3 FNGs) Came out to Glory’s last stand. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Side straddle hop ICx 20 Merkin IC x 15 Through the tunnel IC x 15 Ironhorse was occupied so we transitioned to a different AO for the Thang THE THANG While I was still planning my final
It All Adds Up.
It was a muggy Tuesday morning that 23 PAX came down to Founder’s Park for an unexpected a math lesson for Whoppi’s VQ. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 7, TTT IC x 10, LBAC IC x 15 fwd and x15 rev, Freddie Mercurys IC x 10, LBFCs IC x10, Sweat Angels
AMRAPPIN to the beat of the beeps
24 pax DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH IC x 20, TTT IC x 15, slow squat IC x 15, LBAC IC x 15 fwd and x15 rev, Merkin IC x10, IMP Walkers IC x 15 THE THANG AMRAP for 1 min with 20 sec rest/transition with partner and switch exercises for
Welcome everybody to the GUNSHOW
Ten Pax showed up in the literal gloom of a particularly foggy morning for a good ‘ol 2A beat down. DISCLAIMER Warm Up: The Motivator, from 10 Hilbilly Walkers x15 Hand-release Merkins x 10 Bataan Death March around the outside sidewalk of the park THE THANG Since it was Second
Took a Ride in the Red Barchetta and Then Became Lazy
23 PAX stepped out on a 69 degree humid morning for YHC’s VQ. We welcomed FNG Jeremy McNeese (aka Bigglesworth) to the group. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WARM UP SSH X 25 IC Imperial Walker x 20 IC Merkins x 15 IC TTT x 10 IC WMHs x 10 IC Mosey
ABC Vol 1
Perfect 63 degree morning for 23 PAX to put in some work. Crew 458 was already on-site rucking it up. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Mosey to King Commons Park TTT – 10 IC LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Reverse – 10 IC Slaughter Starter – 20 burpees OYO THE THANG Descending from