8 HIM came out on a beautiful Tuesday morning to get better. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER- Check COP Motivator from 6 WMH’s Merkins Downward dog/Honeymooner (Repeat) LBAC’s (F/R) Seal claps, Raise the Roof, Shoulder pretzels, Chanooks THE THANG Classis 4 corners around the pavilion with some tunes playing in the
Tag: Culture Club (R)
RC Diego. What’s that?
Disclaimer 7 PAX arrived wth coupons in hand for a RC Diego. The “RC” stood for racoon crawl, but the consensus from the rest of the PAX was it meant “really crappy”. YHC can’t disagree with that either. Warm-up SSH IC x 25 Slow Squats IC x 10 LBAC forward
Suicide Coupons Round 2
8 HIM enjoyed round 2 of Suicide Coupons. Well, it was round 1 for about half of them. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER – Check COP (25) SSH, (15) Merkins, (20) LBC’s – All in cadence (20) SSH, (10) Merkins (15) LBC’s – Again, All in cadence. THE THANG YHC picked
Coupon Suicides
8 Pax ventured out this morning to become better men. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER – Check COP Butt Kickers then High Knees to end of pavilion lot. SSH – 15 then Toy Solder up 8 spaces Merkins – 15 then Lung Walk 8 spaces LBC’s – 20 then Imperial Squat
An Applebutter Reboot – A Few Things and More Than A Few SSHs
Disclaimer Applebutter was scheduled to be QIC this morning, but sent message yesterday he needed to smartsack. So YHC grabbed the opportunity and delved into the annals of Applebutter backblasts early this morning to unearth a beatdown for 7 PAX that was guaranteed to generate mumble chatter, sweat and tachycardia.
54 Trips Around the Sun
Disclaimer 4 PAX accepted the invitation to YHC’s celebratory 54th trip around the sun. Warm-up Slow squats IC 10 Imperial walkers IC 10 LBAC forward IC 10 LBAC reverse IC 10 Abe Vigoda IC 10 WMH IC 5 Hillbilly walkers IC 10 The Thang Start with 18 reps each of
7 of Diamonds
Disclaimer 10 ballplayers (PAX) climbed out of bed for an 7 of Diamonds early game start. The Great Field is not exactly shaped like a diamond, but it was freshly mowed and it would suffice. Warm-up Slow squats IC 10 LBAC forward IC 10 Shoulder pretzels IC 10 Seal claps
Run from Babylon
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 4 PAX arrived for YHC guest Q at the Range ready to run from Babylon. Warm-up SSH IC x 25 Imperial Walkers Slow Incline Merkins LBAC forward IC x 10 Overhead claps IC x 10 LBAC reverse IC x 10 Slow squats IC x 10 The
F3 Cornhole
A beautiful morning brought 10 HIM out for a stab at a cornhole boot camp. DISCLAIMER- Check PRAYER – Check COP Impeccable timing by a train provided a slaughter starter to get things going. Turned out to be one of the shortest in history, so some SSH, Merkins, LBC’s, Low
Dos B-Day Parties
6 HIM came out on a beautiful 31 degree morning. With both Culture Club (53) and ABACABB (43) having birthdays, it was time to celebrate. DISCLAIMER -Check PRAYER – Check COP A early Birthday tribute to Kardashian, turning 56 tomorrow, but hanging in the swamp this week. Warm up of