12 PAX met in the soggy, damp gloom for a hard charging workout to build explosive leg movement DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The workout started with some Through the Tunnel, then some modified Motivators (my bad on the counts) THE THANG Mosey to Track Ranger buddy explanation and pair up Sprint
Tag: Daisy
Ultra Dash Experimental Extravaganza
WARM…but raining. 11 PAX braved the 60* rain. Little Debbie on Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Dynamic Warmup – Mosey, Hillbilly Toe Touches, Butt Kick, High Knees THE THANG Little Debbie busted out his kids’ Christmas present for some running. The five Ultra Dash cones were spread out around the band
Burpee Basics 1/31/19
10 Pax for a 15 ish degree workout where we all over dressed. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 20 Burpees as a group Abe , SSHs, Hillbilly Walkers, Arm Circles, Bear Crawls THE THANG Give the guys a chance to shed some clothes and head to Dora Hill Bernie Sanders and abs
It’s all Fun and Games Until the Burpee/Bear Crawl Combo
9 PAX arrived on a semi-wet day dreading what was supposed to be pretty poor weather. The skies dried up for most of the workout however. Sometimes things just go your way. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 20 IC Arm Circles Overhead x 12 IC Line up on one end
It’s Good Scottish Weather for a Block Party
10 Pax Posted in the Drizzly 49° Gloom for an Improv Q. DISCLAIMER COP Motivators from 10 10x IC TTT 10x IC Abe Vigoda 2x Mosey Lap THE THANG Block Party (1:2 Ratio 1-5 Rep, Wait Like Al Gore, 5-1 Rep) – Block Pushup:Block Curl – Block Row:Block Shoulder Press
11 PAX, including FNG Brain Freeze came out for clear 16 degrees at Wilderness Road. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH, TTT, forward and backwards baby arm circles, and two lap mosey THE THANG Corner to Corner: 25 reps for first corner, 50 at second corner, 75 for third, and finished off
Arm Day at Iron Horse
27 PAX post for a crisp-but-dry 32º morning, and Penn-Seagal’s first Q since his birthday in August — a event so epic that the Johnson City Press showed up to document the occasion. (Full disclosure: That correlation might be diminished slightly by the knowledge that Pythagoras called the Press to
BOMBS over Wilderness Road
10 PAX turned out on a crisp morning to partake in some fun. We’ve seen BB posted of BOMBS and were feeling a little left out at the Wilderness Road. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators from 5, IC BBAC’s Forward x 8 BBAC’s Reverse x 8 3-Count Lunges x 10 Mosey
52 chances for Chicken Peckers
6 PAX showed up for 20 something weather at Wilderness Road DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH IC, TTT IC, baby arm circles forward and backward IC, mosey to drop of sandbags, and finished at Chico’s wall of Q’s THE THANG Three stations available: Chicken Pecker Wall, 50 yard line, and 100
African Safari Experience Birthday Q in Kingsport, TN delivered by Scrum
A gloriously balmy 52 degrees greeted the 12 PAX who unsacked and met in the gloom. Nary a drop of rain was present which was a nice change.. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Through the tunnel slow and easy actually stretching IC x 10 Legs together through the tunnel slow and easy