Insert optional info about the weather, number of pax, etc. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Insert information about the warmup. THE THANG Insert information about the workout. Sometimes bulleted lists are handy. MARY Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable). CIRCLE OF TRUST PRAYER MOLESKIN Insert any personal comments, notes,
Tag: Deputy Dawg
Tunnel of Love
12 PAX (one of these was an FNG), 58 degrees and wet.DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOP30 – SSH ICTHE THANGMosey to band field Tunnel of love pull the blocks through. 30 yard sprint 2 yurpees Tunnel of love pull the blocks through. 30 yard sprint 2 yurpees Tunnel of love pull the blocks through.
Plyometircs with a VQ
It was a cool 35 degrees this morning. 12 PAX showed up in the Gloom to do some Plyometrics with a VQ. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 15 – Sid Straddle Hop in cadence 15 – Burbees THE THANG Mosey to the white field. 10 Jump Squats/40 yard sprint/10 push-ups/40 yard sprint
Running…and Man Makers!
34 degrees, perfect weather for some cardio work to really warm everyone up. 10 PAX with block in hand. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slow squats x 10 IC Reverse lunges x 10 IC LBAC forward x 15 IC LBAC reverse x 15 IC Shoulder Pretzels x 15 IC SSH x 15
11 PAX braved the potential rain for what turned out to be a beautiful morning. Little Debbie QIC DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 1 Parking Lot Lap Mosey Mountain Climbers 10 IC Merkins 10 IC Copperhead Squats 10 IC Bobby Hurley 10 OYO THE THANG In honor of Daisy’s manmaker challenges, Little
BYOBlockParty! feat. Line Dancing

9 PAX woke to fartsack weather and made their creaking bodies obey to get out to Wilderness Road and do the work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 10x IC: – LBAC Flip Flop – ALL HAIL ZORP – Thru The Tunnel – Abe Vigoda THE THANG Dance w/ the One That Brought
Yukon’s Navy PRT
“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.” D.H. Lawrence The 15 PAX who posted to take the assessment were mostly early, eager even to see how they measured to the standards
Carolina SMOKED BBQ!!!!
August 27, 2019 AO: Wilderness Road (D.B. High) Carolina Slow Smoked BBQ QIC: Deputy Dawg Pax: Little Debbie, Louise, Mayfly, Scrum, Trolly, Sample, Jamboree, Tenderfoot, Bopeep, Osmosis, Wilbur, Yukon, Daisy, Brain Freeze, FNG (Pictino) It was a “gloomy” gloom as 16 HIM wondered into the parking lot for some Wilderness
If you don’t let me play I’m taking my Ball and going home! 8-21-2019
It’s turns out we do play well with others and no one was a ball hog. Cool Muggy Morning. Broke a record with 15 in attendance! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP QIC was ambitious and started with Motivators from 15 but called an audible at 7 or so, Mercs x 10 IC,
Peridita’s 101 (A Borrowed FiA VQ)
Couldn’t be a better morning to come sharpen that iron. School starting up is slowly fulfilling the promise of higher numbers once summer is over and we were all ready to get down to business. A special note – YHC stole this WOD from my M (Perdita) who has joined