17 PaX from across the NETN Region and 1 from NC came out for Etch’s Sketchy version of Q School. Here is a copy of my weinke, plus a bunch of other resources used. I integrated the workout into the “school” part. The italics was the workout. Q-School F3 Q-School History –
Tag: Frazier
Tabata Tuesday – Jammin’ in July!
A great July morning greeted 4 guys with the temp in the 60s. And what better way to celebrate our month of FREEDOM than with some great patriotic tunes for this Tabata Tuesday! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSHs | IC x 10 LBAC & BBAC | IC x 7 TTT |
L.I.N.C.O.L.N. P.A.R.K. Revisited
3 had missed the original last year. So, YHC decided what better way to resurrect a great workout in “The Sauna” than with a revisit of the first workout at Lincoln Park. Plus we brought back an Iron Horse favorite, the Raccoon Crawl!! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter-Starter (aka 20 Burpees
4 Corners & 2 Broken Blocks
10 HIMs showed up with blocks this morning to better themselves and to sharpen one another. While all ten men made it through the workout, 2 of the blocks did not (in one piece anyway). DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP -Motivators from 4 -LBAC forward and reverse x 10 IC -Seal Claps
Tabata Tuesday – MAYDAY!!
The rain arrived and left just before the beatdown started; and even with the temp in the 60s, 11 doods were motived to roll out of bed and show up for some tunes and cardio with a pick your poison tabata to change it up a bit! Both Moderate and
Tabata Tuesday – Spring Has Sprung!
It was a beautiful morning in the gloom with temps in the 60s which inspired 9 doods to roll out of bed and show up for some HIIT and Tunes! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSHs | IC x 20 Batwings | IC x 10 Abe Vigodas | IC x 10 TTT
HYROX F3 Style
3 dads and a 2.0 showed up in the drizzly gloom to test their fitness against HYROX F3 style. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH – IC x 15 TTT – IC x 10 LBAC F/R – IC x 10 THE THANG MARY No time. CIRCLE OF TRUST PRAYER ANNOUNCEMENTS
Shamrock Shuffle
Eight showed up at Lincoln Park To come and work out in the dark. With Irish tunes a playin’ loud, We did the work and made the rounds. Not a one gave up the fight, But each one worked with all their might! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivators | from 7
Tabata Tuesdays – March Minuet
It was a great morning for our monthly Tabata Tuesday in Jonesborough! 7 fellas came out for some good cardio and music! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Slaughter Starter | 20 Burpees LBACs (Forward & Reverse | IC x 10 Shoulder Pretzels | IC x 10 Hillbilly Walkers | IC x 10
Block-n-Run Ladder
9 PAX showed up in the post storm gloom to prove they weren’t afraid of some wet asphalt. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH IC x 20 IW IC x 15 LBAC IC x 10 (forward & reverse) THE THANG Round 1 10 Curl w/ Coupon 10 Jump Squat 10 Overhead Press