Weather: clear, cold (18*) with about six inches of snow and ice. We started the workout under cover to avoid icy surfaces (parking lot, packed sidewalks and track). The most strenuous part of the work out – sliding and falling across the parking lot. Normally nimble, I was the only
Tag: Gutterball
You Gotta Know When To Hold ‘Em, Know When To Fold ‘Em, Know When To Walk Away, And Know When To RUN!
COP – Brownie Disclaimer Warmup Overhead Presses x10 IC Mosey 1/2 lap. HR Merkins x10 OYO Mosey 1/2 lap. Squats x10 IC Mosey 1/2 lap. Hillbilly Walkers x10 IC Mosey 1/2 lap. Imperial Walkers x10 IC Mosey 1/2 lap. Through The Tunnel x10 IC Mosey 1/2 lap. LBC’s x10 IC
Wake me up, before you go-go
A brisk 19 degree morning greeted those who got out of bed and rolled over to the AO. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Roving warmup – High knees, butt kickers, grapevines, LBAC x 10 IC forward and reverse, 10 merkins IC THE THANG AMRAP: 5 Rounds, 3 minutes per round, 60 second
On the Bleachers, Snow is Glistening
A gloomy wintry day in late November. Snow had fallen on the bleachers. A brisk wind blowing in from the north. A great day for a work-out….. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 Abe Vigoda (IC) X 10 Imperial Walkers (IC) X 25 Monkey Humpers (IC) X 10 LBACs
Cold Call’s 37
22 Pax blessed Cold Call with the gift of their presence on his 37th birthday. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WARMUP Side Straddle Hops x 19 In Cadence (IC). Little Baby Arm Circles x 19 IC Forward. ” “ “ ” x 18 IC Backward. Through The
“good idea/bad idea”
7 PAX reported to the Arrowhead AO for an “ease back into it” workout. It was a cool 38ish degrees. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH(IC) x 18 WMH- 10 count each side Sumo squat hold audible of 10 burpees called to assist some of the PAX warm up quicker little baby
Deck ‘O Cards, with blocks and a hill, why not?
Eleven PAX climbed out of bed to meet at Arrowhead on a 60-degree morning for some star-gazing, some fun with a block and a hill to conquer. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 8 for the warmup TTT IC X10 WMH – 10 seconds each leg LBAC IC X10, forward and
All About That Bass, No Treble
It was a cool 38 degrees, but clear skies. 15 PAX including one FNG got up to get better. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Extra long warm-up on a cool morning Chinooks IC x 5, Shoulder Pretzels IC x5, LBAC x5 IC forward, LBAC x5 IC reverse Merkins x13 TTT IC x10,
Death by Burpees, Squats, and Curls
6 PAX awaited the late arrival of the QIC for round 2 of the B-day Q. 54 degrees and soggy added to the fun. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 count right then left LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Reverse – 10 IC Merkin – 10
Aaahhh, the hill, counting up from 5, with coupons!
Eleven PAX us-assed the sack this glorious, 43 degree morning in order to get better. The City of JC finally got around to bringing some of our orange-clad friends with their weed-eaters and cut down the velociraptor-hiding places that the hill at AH had become. We cannot let their efforts go