8 doods made it out for a recovery workout on a balmy 65 degree morning. I wanted to offer some options for the Pax that hurt themselves this week to still get out and enjoy the glorious gloom. So I copied and pasted a Q from January like the boss
Tag: Jester
Good Things Come in 3s & Chicken Peckers
Perfect weather for 9 Pax to put in work to get the say started right. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 5 WMH (10 Count to right and then left) Through The Tunnel (IC x10) LBAC (IC x10) Reverse LBAC (IC x10) Mosey Long Way to Playground THE THANG 3 Groups
Ten 4 twenty 1
9 pax plus YHC appeared to face the humidity for another Thursday Q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh x 20ic wmh (performed incorrectly sorry pbs) imperial walker x10ic abe vigoda x10ic slow merkins x10 ic THE THANG All pax grab their coupons and mosey to front of school. Place coupons at
EMOM’s and Stuff
14 PAX showed up in the humidity with plenty of mumblechatter and ready for work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP LBAC Forward IC x 12 LBAC Reverse IC x 12 Chinooks IC x 12 Shoulder Pretzels IC x 12 In honor of PBS…5 Inch Worm Pushups OYO SSH IC x 20 Slaughter
An F3 principles primer
10 doods showed up to cash in on the promise that PBS gon’ give it to them. I believe that most of them were satisfied. DISCLAIMER COP SSH, Inchworms, TTT, the usge. THE THANG Given our AO’s abysmal performance in front of our new Nantan last week in regards to
Sprinting and FLORA
8 pax, some on time, others not so much, arrived at arrowhead for what turned out to be an unofficial 2.0 day with 38% of those in attendance being young’uns. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh x20 ic wmh 10 count mosey to turn 1 Abe Vigoda x10 ic, imperial walker x10
3 Minute Tabatas
Pleasant, overcast morning as 12 PAX including an FNG put in some work. DISCLAIMER COP SSH IC x15 TTT IC x10 WMH 10 count each side Imperial Walkers IC x10 LBAC IC x10 forward and reverse mosey with coupon to playground THE THANG Tabata style high intensity interval training. 20
Work the 200s
13 doods showed up to embrace the gloom and the suck. 65 degrees and humid. DISCLAIMER COP Gat all warmed up. Slaughter starter after a mosey to the playground. THE THANG Insert information about the workout. Part 1: Broad jump / pullup ladder down from 7 (7:7, 6:6, 5:5, etc.,
3 for some Blackjack
Three doods arrived on a nearly perfect Saturday morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Ssh x20 ic willy Mays hays (the proper way) abe vigoda x10 ic imperial walkers x10 ic TTT x 10ic lbac THE THANG Pax grabbed their blocks and proceeded to the hill in front of the school for
Deck of Abs
Cool, overcast, low 60s. Four PAX put in the work. Another four put in the miles (as they have been for a while: Ponzi, Jelly, Faceplant, Bunny Slope) DISCLAIMER COP Inchworms x5 oyo LBAC IC x10 forward and reverse 1-one minute merkin (a merkin that takes 30 seconds to go