9 PAX showed up in the 60s gloom and fog to put in some hard work. Little did they know… DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 WMH (IC) 10 ct each side Motivator from 8 Imperial Walker (IC) X 10 LBACs (IC) X 10 each side Merkins (IC) X
Tag: Jester
Partner Murph Prep
Beautiful summer morning with low humidity and comfortable temp. for 23 PAX to put in work. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 10 TTT – 20 IC Merkins – 20 IC WMH – 10 count each leg Indian Run long way to playground THE THANG Partner up and do 2 rounds:
Burpees and Lunges…and…Burpees…and Lunges…and…
20 PAX from Iron Horse, The Range, & Arrowhead converged upon the Iron Horse AO on a muggy morning, not knowing what birthday bludgeoning was coming from Jobs, along with another flavor of pain from YHC. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Jobs kicked off with a birthday ritual massacre of a Slaughter
Pedialyte – Everything that I hate
A delightful 61 degrees greeted 24 PAX to enjoy a plethora of exercises that, while hated by Pedialyte, are extremely effective at increasing the suck factor for all involved. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP The Warmup • Slaughter Starter, yeah I hate Burpees • TTT IC X10 • Willie Mays Hayes IC
7 of Diamonds
Perfect 60 degree clear weather. 19 pax. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 10 burpees, 40 SSH, 10 burpees THE THANG Jogged over to the baseball field of dreams to complete the 7 of diamonds exercise routine. each exercise at each base (4xs) as one moseyed around the diamond before moving to the next exercise.
2.5 x 100
17 doods made it out this morning. It was rainy. Like Jurassic-park, “he left us” kind of rainy. Dusted off an old Q but gave it new exercises for this fine July rainstorm. DISCLAIMER COP Inchworms, LBACs, TTT THE THANG Take off running, and start the reps. At each set
Q School Comes to AH
13 PAX arrived and immediately the mumble chatter began, most notably because the QIC unknowingly stole a marked parking space! DISCLAIMER (sort of, more to come on that later) PRAYER COP SSH IC x 25 TTT IC x 10 Abe Vigoda IC x 10 Motivators from 7 (where the QIC
A Q for the pax and by the pax
It was 0630 in mid July, there were 6 of us and it was humid. You get the picture. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP WARM UP ssh x 17 TTT x 10 willy mays hays x10 windmill x10 lbac x10 all done ic mosey lap THE THANG While YHC was describing the
Burpees, Broadjumps and EMOMs
Great day for a workout. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT (IC) X 10 WMH X 10 ct each side Motivator from 9 Imperial Walker (IC) X 25 Hillbilly Walker (IC) X 25 LBACs (IC) X 10 then reverse X 10 Merkins (IC) X 10 Plank Jacks (IC) X 25 1/2 slaughter
Push and Pull
20 PAX turned out in the humid gloom for an upper body blast DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP 30 SSH 10 TTT WMH – 10 sec each leg 20 IW 10 Merkins THE THANG PAX partnered up and went the long way around the AO to get to the playground. On the