14 Pax donned their ponchos and galoshes for a rainy gloomy Thursday at ole Arrowhead. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP All exercises done IC SSH x20 Willy mays hays hillbilly walker x10 don quixote x10 arm circles x10 f & r merkins x10 THE THANG Pax were instructed to partner up and
Tag: Jobs
Why the Hill would they lock us out?
9 PAX arrived at The Hill to perfect 52 degree temps eager to kick New Year’s Eve in the teeth (and possibly earn a few extra calories for the night). Unfortunately, the prime real estate for putting in work was off limits due to recent painting so plan B had
It’s Christmas Eve—14 PAX showed up to put in some work and get it done. Personally, I needed to repent for my many dietary transgressions during the 1st phase of the Christmas break. Unfortunately, it’s probably going to get worse before it get’s better. That’s OK—grace abounds and flows freely
Learning our ABCDs
17 PAXs showed up for a wet, gloomy, cold winter morning. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP T Slaughter Starter – 20 burpees OYO SSH x25 IC Don Quixotes x10 IC Merkin x10 IC TTL X10 IC Imperial Walkers x10 IC Hillbilly Walkers X10 IC THE THANG A Al Gore 30 ct. American Hammers
Carolina Beatdown 2018
11 PAX gathered this fine, crisp, clear morning for the “Carolina Beatdown.” In honor of the friendly rival relationship between the University of South Carolina (USCjr) and Clemson, and between Donatello (USC) and Pedialyte (Clemson), this Q was named. The warmup (the scoring drives) and the Thang (outcome.) DISCLAIMER PRAYER
Taste of Boilermaker
10 PAX arrived to a still snow-covered AO on a brisk 38 degree Thursday. QIC had to call an audible due to less than safe conditions on the track. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Mosey to the playground side of the AO TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 right then left
No time like Snow Time
Weather: clear, cold (18*) with about six inches of snow and ice. We started the workout under cover to avoid icy surfaces (parking lot, packed sidewalks and track). The most strenuous part of the work out – sliding and falling across the parking lot. Normally nimble, I was the only
You Gotta Know When To Hold ‘Em, Know When To Fold ‘Em, Know When To Walk Away, And Know When To RUN!
COP – Brownie Disclaimer Warmup Overhead Presses x10 IC Mosey 1/2 lap. HR Merkins x10 OYO Mosey 1/2 lap. Squats x10 IC Mosey 1/2 lap. Hillbilly Walkers x10 IC Mosey 1/2 lap. Imperial Walkers x10 IC Mosey 1/2 lap. Through The Tunnel x10 IC Mosey 1/2 lap. LBC’s x10 IC
Merry Go Round of Misery
Eleven Pax assembled on a brisk Tuesday morning. With YHC engaging in a good bit of banter on Arrowhead having the studs and laying down a pull-up challenge, I thought it prudent to get after it and whip the Pax into shape. DISCLAIMER PRAYER—No opening prayer, we have work to
Interval Fun Run
10 pax started Monday off with an interval fun run courtesy of YHC. Weather – mid-40s, dry, clear DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 20 IC TTT x 10 IC Ponzi Lap THE THANG 36 minute interval run, always pick up the six on the mosey 20s sprint, 20s mosey x