It’s been a good long time since I’ve led a traditional bootcamp workout, especially on a Saturday. It was good to be back in the gloom with the Iron Horse Pax. I wanted to make sure the guys remembered me and introduce myself to the newer guys in Donatello fashion.
Tag: Jobs
“good idea/bad idea”
7 PAX reported to the Arrowhead AO for an “ease back into it” workout. It was a cool 38ish degrees. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH(IC) x 18 WMH- 10 count each side Sumo squat hold audible of 10 burpees called to assist some of the PAX warm up quicker little baby
Deck ‘O Cards, with blocks and a hill, why not?
Eleven PAX climbed out of bed to meet at Arrowhead on a 60-degree morning for some star-gazing, some fun with a block and a hill to conquer. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 8 for the warmup TTT IC X10 WMH – 10 seconds each leg LBAC IC X10, forward and
All About That Bass, No Treble
It was a cool 38 degrees, but clear skies. 15 PAX including one FNG got up to get better. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Extra long warm-up on a cool morning Chinooks IC x 5, Shoulder Pretzels IC x5, LBAC x5 IC forward, LBAC x5 IC reverse Merkins x13 TTT IC x10,
Trick-or-treat at The Hill
11 PAX arrived at The Hill on a perfect 45 degree morning for some early trick-or-treating. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 count right then left Mosey to the goal line for some dynamic warm-up and a down and back sprint. THE THANG Each round began
Death by Burpees, Squats, and Curls
6 PAX awaited the late arrival of the QIC for round 2 of the B-day Q. 54 degrees and soggy added to the fun. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 count right then left LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Reverse – 10 IC Merkin – 10
Ab-solutely Hilly B-Day
17 PAX found themselves in the gloom on a soggy 50 degree morning ready to celebrate QIC’s birthday. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP TTT – 10 IC WMH – 10 count right then left LBAC – 10 IC LBAC Reverse – 10 IC Merkin – 10 IC Grab a coupon and mosey to
Aaahhh, the hill, counting up from 5, with coupons!
Eleven PAX us-assed the sack this glorious, 43 degree morning in order to get better. The City of JC finally got around to bringing some of our orange-clad friends with their weed-eaters and cut down the velociraptor-hiding places that the hill at AH had become. We cannot let their efforts go
The Rainy Dead…………..
It was wet and cold. Not bone chilling, but close to it. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH (20) IC TTT (10) IC LBAC(10) IC THE THANG Mosey to Tombstone Hill with Coupon in tow. The PAX is really enjoying the new visual aids, some thought they had showed up to a
Superhero’s do wear tights
10 pax bounded to Arrowhead on a cool, crisp morning despite YHC being on the q. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x15 IC Hillbilly walkers x15 IC willy mays hays abe vigoda’s x 10 IC LBAC x10 forward and reverse merkns x10 IC THE THANG Mosey to the playground to find