Disclaimer / Prayer John Bunyan’s class book titled The Pilgrim’s Progress was first published on this day 347 years ago. It is the second most published book of all time only behind the Bible. It is an allegory of the Christian life and tells of the story of a man
Tag: Kardashian (R)
What’s in the Cards?
Pax woke to 60% chance of drizzle (ended up being 100% at the AO) and 64 degrees and let the fates take charge. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH x 10 IC TTT x 11 IC HW x 10 IC LBAC X 10 <> (+ Overhead Claps, Seal Claps, Shoulder Pretzels) Slow
Chair Exercising with coupons and laps
8 HIM gathered on this beautiful 50 degree early Feb morning and all are better for it. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER – Check COP 20 SSH 10 TTT 10 LBAC forward, 10 Seal Claps, 10 Chinooks, 10 LBAC reverse 10 Low Slow Squats 10 Imperial walkers THE THANG While at
Dad Joke Corners
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 8 PAX with coupons and dad jokes. Which one would make us groan more? Warm-up Burpees 10 OYO Abe Vigoda IC x 10 Slow squats IC x 10 LBAC reverse IC x 10 Cherry Pickers IC x 10 Seal claps IC x 10 LBAC reverse IC
Ya Basic
Insert optional info about the weather, number of pax, etc. DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X 25 IC TTT X 10 IC LBAC X 10 <> IC IW X 15 IC Slow Low Squats X 10 IC Slerkins X 10 IC THE THANG Run to Tombstone and get a partner Dora
12 Days of Iron Horsemas
Clear, cold, and wet DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOP SSH X 25IC TTT X 10IC WMH <> on Q count IW X 15IC LBACs X10 <> THE THANG12 Days of Christmas – RX = 364 reps Stair lap Burpees Lunges Step-ups Perkins LBCs Squats Mountain Climbers Freddy Mercuries Dips Monkey Humpers V-Ups MARYFlutter Kicks X15
A Big Tree, F3 Tree and a Wall
Disclaimer COP – Sugar A week before Christmas Eve, it was a pleasant 54-degree morning—perfect for 6 PAX visiting a couple of Johnson City’s best Christmas trees. Warm-up The Thang Mosey to the big Christmas Tree at King’s Common. Partner up. Partner 1 bear crawls around fence around Christmas tree
Park to Park Tour
It was strangely warm and decently wet, and 7 pax showed up in the gloomDISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPSSH X 20 ICTTT X 10 ICWMH <>IW X 15 ICSweat Angels X 10 OYOHRM X 5 OYO THE THANGIndigenous Peoples run to King Commons carrying football – pass front to back – if it drops,
Talk Like a Pirate Day at Iron Horse
Arrr, 8 scallywags gathered in the 63-degree gloom to hoist the colors an’ break a sweat!DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X30 IC Don Quixotes X10 IC HW X 10 IC LBAC X10<>IC Slerkins X10 IC THE THANG Insert information about the workout. Station 1: Pirate’s Plank (Core Focus) Captain Jack Sparrows
Killer Bs
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 8 PAX avoided the fartsack, came with their coupons and 45 minutes later left as better men. Killer Bs has a way of doing that to them. Warm-up Motivators from 8 LBAC forward IC x 10 Overhead claps IC x 10 Seal claps IC x 10