Disclaimer COP – Sugar 6 PAX gathered on a cool March 26th morning which is also National Spinach Day. This fact was unknown to five PAX this morning as well as YHC until a couple of days ago. What a better way to honor it than by a beatdown of
Tag: Kardashian (R)
Ring Of Fire
The welcomed 40 degree morning brought out 9 HIM, with many sporting some shorts, as things were about to get even warmer. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER – Check COP (20) Seal jacks – (20) Carolina Dry Docks (15) Seal Jacks – (15) Carolina Dry Docks (10) Seal Jacks – (5)
The Dozen Descent
Disclaimer interrupted by Burpee Train right at 5:30am. Could not have timed it better for 10 PAX on a brisk 27 degree morning who were about to experience the Dozen Descent for the first time. Warm Up Burpee Train took care of most of the warm-up TTT IC x 10
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 10 PAX arrived on a cool 26 degree morning including Turtle following a long recovery from injury. As of 6:47pm yesterday, no one had claimed the Q so YHC brought the BOPO-inflated BLIMPS beatdown. Warm Up SSH IC x 25 Slow Monkey Humpers IC x 10
Tri-Corner Burpee Ladder
8 motivated men showed up with almost above freezing temperatures with melting patches of ice and snow to put in some challenging work on a Tuesday morning. @Duvet in town from down near Cleveland, TN. Good work, men! DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP Motivator from 7 TTT 10 IC WMH to the
11s at 11 (degrees)
Disclaimer COP – Sugar Forecast last night called for an 11 degree cold morning. YHC knew how to get everyone warm at 11 degrees. The answer? 11s. 6 cold PAX came with coupons in their gloved hands. Warm Up Motivators from 7 Imperial Walkers IC x 10 LBAC IC forward
4 Corners of Pain
A beautiful, brisk, snow dusted morning brought 8 HIM to Ironhorse. Even with the educators in the group thinking there may be possible school delays, Fart Sacking was not a option. Prayer – Check
The Billy Madison
Disclaimer COP – Sugar Billy Madison is in the Exicon. So it seemed like a good idea to give it a try for the first F3NETN Ironhorse AO beatdown for 2024. 6 PAX brought their favorite coupons on a chilly 30 degree morning and were expected to graduate high school
Around the Christmas Tree
11 HIM put their feet on the floor to join in the fun on this lovely 26 degree morning. Welcome 2 FNG’s – Whittle (17) and Shocks (25). DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOP(20) SSH WMH (10 count each leg) (10) TTT (10) Hillbilly Walkers LBAC (10 each) (10) Merkins Burpee Train – Now we
Not My Idea – An AI-Generated Q
Disclaimer COP – Sugar YHC signed up to Q for the 93rd time. Almost all beatdowns are originals with a few recycle exceptions credited to others like the 700 Club and the Kilo 5k. Yesterday afternoon YHC was struggling to decide whether to create something new or recycle something and