Clear, cold, and wet DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOP SSH X 25IC TTT X 10IC WMH <> on Q count IW X 15IC LBACs X10 <> THE THANG12 Days of Christmas – RX = 364 reps Stair lap Burpees Lunges Step-ups Perkins LBCs Squats Mountain Climbers Freddy Mercuries Dips Monkey Humpers V-Ups MARYFlutter Kicks X15
Tag: Vila
A Big Tree, F3 Tree and a Wall
Disclaimer COP – Sugar A week before Christmas Eve, it was a pleasant 54-degree morning—perfect for 6 PAX visiting a couple of Johnson City’s best Christmas trees. Warm-up The Thang Mosey to the big Christmas Tree at King’s Common. Partner up. Partner 1 bear crawls around fence around Christmas tree
White Elephant Swap – F3 Style
7 Pax came out to receive their presents, swap them with others, and get their sweat on. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER – Check COP Motivator from 6 10 – TTT 10 – Imperial Walkers 10 – LBAC (forward/Backwards), Moroccan night clubs, Seal Jacks, Chinooks THE THANG YHC prepared 15 gifts
Park to Park Tour
It was strangely warm and decently wet, and 7 pax showed up in the gloomDISCLAIMERPRAYERCOPSSH X 20 ICTTT X 10 ICWMH <>IW X 15 ICSweat Angels X 10 OYOHRM X 5 OYO THE THANGIndigenous Peoples run to King Commons carrying football – pass front to back – if it drops,
Wheel Of Fortune – F3 Style
7 HIM gathered on this beautiful morning to spin the wheel and put their bodies and minds to work. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER – Check COP Motivator from 7 TTT LBAC THE THANG It was time to bring the wheel out for a game of Wheel of Fortune. Two teams
With 2 days of rain and a 100% forecasted this AM, a decision was made to take cover under the pavilion for some rounds of Tabata. 5 HIM showed up to put in the work and none seemed to complain about the nice dry and lighted venue. DISCLAIMER – Check
Talk Like a Pirate Day at Iron Horse
Arrr, 8 scallywags gathered in the 63-degree gloom to hoist the colors an’ break a sweat!DISCLAIMER PRAYER COP SSH X30 IC Don Quixotes X10 IC HW X 10 IC LBAC X10<>IC Slerkins X10 IC THE THANG Insert information about the workout. Station 1: Pirate’s Plank (Core Focus) Captain Jack Sparrows
Killer Bs
Disclaimer COP – Sugar 8 PAX avoided the fartsack, came with their coupons and 45 minutes later left as better men. Killer Bs has a way of doing that to them. Warm-up Motivators from 8 LBAC forward IC x 10 Overhead claps IC x 10 Seal claps IC x 10
Ladder of Pain
10 HIM posted on this beautiful Tuesday morning for a ladder of pain. Great to see many of the regulars, Apple Butter and Straddle out there, as well as Vila becoming a fixture, and a special visit from Gutterball. Great job by all. DISCLAIMER – Check PRAYER – Check COP
Pickleball Anyone
YHC, feeling apprehnsive about a big teacher pickleball game at 7:10 decided to increase the stress by bringing the game to the pax. DISCLAIMERPRAYERCOP THE THANG MARY CIRCLE OF TRUSTPRAYERMOLESKINHC somebody new OR somebody you haven’t seen in the gloom in a while. ICYMI, YHC and partner remain undefeated going