The forecast said it was going to be in the single digits, so when YHC woke up and saw the temp at 15 degrees, I thought, “Oh, well thats actually gonna be warm!” (which is an interesting thought for 15 degrees) Anyways, 8 others joined me around the sun dial to begin the workout.
We started by taking a mosey around the Farmers Market, stopping near the area the donut trailer parks on mornings when its a lot warmer than it was this morning. 25 SSH IC. Take another mosey lap around the Farmers Market. 10 TTT IC. 10 LBAC IC forward. 10 LBAC IC reverse. One more mosey lap around the Farmers Market, except this time we moseyed to Tombstone Hill.
PAX worked independently of each other to complete 100 of each of the following exercises. They began the count at the bottom of the hill. When they could no longer complete any reps, they had to run to the top of the hill in order to continue their count towards 100. PAX could decide to do fewer reps, but that would just mean more running up and down tombstone hill. Most Pax completed 100 merkins, 100 squats, 100 Mountain Climbers (LR=1), and finishing up on 100 Burpees when time was called. A few guys got into working on 100 Lunges.
No Time
I’ve been thinking a lot about the phrase of “unprincipled men” that Peter uses in 2 Peter. I’ve been trying to identify the principles that I believe in that I also act on, and also the principles that I believe to be true that I have a hard time consistently acting according to the principle. And that leads to the question, “why doesn’t that principle translate into my day to day actions.” I’m thankful for F3 because it is one of the areas in my life that the principle of posting consistently to try to become a better version of me has translated into me acting on that principle for the past two years. Now, if I could only do the same thing with not eating sugar…
Kardashian mentioned GOMR this June. Check the CSAUP channel for more info.
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