Northeast Tennessee

Scout Patrol, Checking out the new AO

Immortal Station (Jonesborough) Jonesborough Northeast Tennessee

It was a wonderful summer morn, cool, in the upper 60’s, with the sun still behind the mountains.  Headlamps may be required (at least initially) for the Honeysuckle led tour of a new AO.

TTT (IC) X 7

WMH (IC) X 7

Motivator from 7

LBACs (IC) X 7, reverse X 7, shoulder pretzel X 7

The PAX were divided into 4 teams.  There are 6 stations strategically stationed around the AO.  A map was provided to each team.  Instructions available upon arrival to each station.

Station 1

F3 has 5 core principles:

  1. Free of charge
  2. Open to all men
  3. Held outdoors rain or shine, heat or cold
  4. Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
  5. End with a Circle of Trust


Crawl-bear up the hill with coupon in tow

Merkins X 20

Flutter Kicks X 20 (4 count/in cadence – hold coupon above chest)

Army crawl with coupon in arms back to the start

Complete 10 Burpees

Mosey to station 2

Station 2

F3 credo:

Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him


Dry Docks X 20

Monkey Humpers X 20

V-Ups X 20

Complete high knees for 60 seconds

Mosey to station 3

Station 3

F3 Northeast TN is a sanctioned region that includes 8 AOs in 4 cities/towns:

Johnson City: Iron Horse, Arrowhead, The Hill, The Range

Erwin: Iron Valley

Kingsport: Wilderness Road, Warpath

Jonesborough: Immortal Station


Merkins X 20

Squats (with coupon) X 20

Big boy sit-ups (with coupon) x 20

Complete 20 Burpees

Mosey to station 4

Station 4

This week in history: on August 6th & 9th 1945 the US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively, ending the war


OH Press X 20

Curls X 40

Kettle Bell Swings X 40

Complete broad jumps up hill for 30 seconds, go back and get your coupon, then mosey to station 5

Station 5

One of the most venerable small arms of the 20th century was the Automatic Pistol, Caliber .45, M1911 and its following variants.  The pistol designed by John Moses Browning and originally manufactured by Colt.  It is still in service throughout the world today in various configurations and by various military and law enforcement organizations.  The original M1911 weighed 39 ounces with empty magazine (capacity = 7 rounds) and had a 5.25 inch barrel.


Squat Thrusters X 20

Bent Over Rows X 20

LBCs X 20 (with coupon)

Complete 30 Burpees

Mosey to station 6

Station 6

I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6 CSB


Derkins X 20

Lunges (2 ct = R + L) X 20

American Hammers (4 ct or IC) X 20

Wall/Pole Sit for 60 seconds

Mosey to station 1 (Rinse & Repeat)

While the team at Station 5 (furthest from the rally point) were returning, upon arrival the PAX were asked various trivia questions from the information provided at each station.  It was obvious the PAX focused more on the moves than the information, hence 10 burpees for each incorrect answer, for a total of about 80 burpees.

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